Ep. 39: Can co-sleeping help prevent SIDS? Part 1
Evolutionary Parenting Podcast - A podcast by Tracy Cassels, PhD

I want to mention some things that parents of young babies have to think about. They often think about: * Where their baby sleeps * Why their baby cries (or cries so much) * Worry about SIDS * How much their baby sleeps * Their baby's brain development * How to feed their baby (and how to get support for it) * Wondering when our babies will speak Of course there is so much more, but I mention these in particular because they may all be related to something we definitely don't think about: How our babies breathe. If you're confused, don't worry because this week is the first of two episodes covering these topics - and more - with the incredible Dr. James McKenna. Over two weeks, James shares so much wisdom about our babies, parenting, and this both older and newer line of research he's looking at linking so many of these parenting issues to that most basic physiological function of breathing. Dr. James McKenna: https://cosleeping.nd.edu/mckenna-biography/ The Mother-Infant Sleep Laboratory: https://cosleeping.nd.edu/ Some Relevant Articles: https://www.proquest.com/docview/1783392943 https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S1526054205000230 https://dro.dur.ac.uk/28335/ https://europepmc.org/article/med/26295452