Ep. 26: Why is male infant circumcision a human rights issue? (Part 2)

Evolutionary Parenting Podcast - A podcast by Tracy Cassels, PhD


Welcome back to part two of my talk with Brian Earp. If you haven't listened yet to last week's episode, I strongly suggest you do because some of what we talk about this week directly follows that conversation. Moving on from the discussion of health risks versus benefits of male infant circumcision, this week we turn towards the social elephant in the room, namely the gendered debate on circumcision as well as more emotional issues such as the defensiveness of parents and the struggles for some men to feel heard on the issue. I hope this conversation may also provide a means for families or individuals struggling to find a way to open up and feel heard. It's up to all of us to listen when people share their story. Brian Earp: https://philosophy.yale.edu/people/brian-earp Brian Earp's YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCR4umqUbmaDirAig2zD-zBw Resources: Your Whole Baby: https://www.yourwholebaby.org/ Doctors Opposing Circumcision: https://www.doctorsopposingcircumcision.org/ The Intact Network: https://www.intactnetwork.org/ To learn more about the Evolutionary Parenting Podcast visit https://evolutionaryparenting.com/evolutionary-parenting-podcast-2/

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