Everything Always Episode 71: Difficult Step-Teen
Everything Always - A podcast by Michael and Summer Mulder

In this episode, we will be addressing the challenging position of being a step-parent to a teen who is disrespectful and determined to run you out of their parent’s life. This is something we hear a lot about, so we will do our best to shed light on what’s going on and how you can handle this situation in a positive and productive way. You will also hear an anonymous letter that was written by a mom to her daughter’s new stepmom. It shares such a raw side of the difficult relationships that occur through blending families and the importance of always striving to make the best of it. From being a parent dealing with a difficult step-child to being a parent struggling with the new relationships your child is a part of, we hope that today’s chat will bring some ideas and clarity that will upgrade your blended life. 2:26 – 5:29 - An anonymous letter from a mom to her daughter’s stepmom. 5:30 – 7:08 - The importance of writing an apology—even if it isn’t sent. 7:09 – 12:10 - Unpacking the step-parent and step-teen relationship. 12:11 – 15:40 - The role of setting and managing expectations from the start. 15:41 – 20:33 - Evaluating your relationship importance and managing roles. 20:34 – 26:17 - The difference between taking sides and incorporating discipline. Takeaways: Taking the right steps toward an apology. Identifying where pain and ego are making you into something you’re not. Dealing with an intentionally disrespectful and confrontational step-child. Why your expectations are a huge part of your reality and how to find perspective. The importance of knowing that this could possibly never change and how that would play out for your relationship. Quotes: “I never wanted the divorce, but I’ve learned to take responsibility for why it happened.” “The real strange truth is that my anger and hurt don’t stem from me not liking you. I don’t actually have a good reason not to like you—except for the fact that he loves you and not me.” “It’s not your job to insert yourself into someone’s life and make it mandatory that you’re going to connect. Their feelings are real and you have to understand that.” 3 Interesting Clips: 2:59 – 3:15 – The value of thinking (or sleeping) before responding to things or speaking on things. 9:28 – 10:14 - Why issues with step-parents and step-children are at a higher level now. 14:05 – 14:21 – Expectations when it comes to connection and what your job IS NOT. Subscribe & Review in iTunes! Are you subscribed to our podcast? If not, we would strongly suggest you do. This way you won’t miss a thing! Subscribe here: Everything Always And now for the pretty please with a Bordeaux Maraschino Cherry on top. We would be so incredibly grateful if you left us a review on for Everything Always as well. This will help other parents and families like you find our podcast. Plus, it’s fun for Mike and I to sit and read them together on date night! Just click here, click open in iTunes, select “Ratings and Reviews”, tell us your favorite moment and best take away and we will send a huge cyber hug and kiss right to you! Find the Everything Always Podcast wherever you listen! Apple Podcasts (iTunes) acast Pocketcasts ListenNotes Spotify player.fm