Everything Always Episode 102: Empowered Parenting
Everything Always - A podcast by Michael and Summer Mulder

No matter how great you are at handling behavioral problems with your child, there always seems to be more that you can learn. Today’s guest is Kimball Lewis, owner and CEO of EmpoweringParents.com. He dives into the reasons why kids act out and shares insight into how to find parenting solutions that address what’s going on beneath the surface. Listen in as Kimball discusses the ways that parents can deal with difficult kids and offer problem-solving skills that allow for a better relationship. You'll learn the importance of having a unified front as parents and providing consistent consequences and enforcement. Kimball also shares incredible parenting insight and effective takeaways that can improve your parenting skills. 00:58 – 04:43 – Who Kimball is and all about the Transformation Workshop. 04:44 – 10:28 - The time when parents tend to reach out for help and why kids act out. 10:29 – 17:57 - Why you may need to adjust your parenting style for difficult kids. 17:58 – 28:12 - The importance of clear consequences and parents having a unified front. 28:13 – 44:15 - How to avoid the power struggle and quick tips for handling common parenting situations. 44:16 – 56:08 - Underlying self-esteem issues and how behavior is intertwined with that. 50:10 – 56:27 - The truth about our difficult kids and future leaders. Takeaways: You don’t have to attend every fight you’re invited to. Kids act out to solve their problems. The parent isn’t the problem—they are the solution. You and your spouse need a unified front. Explain yourself once and move on. Quotes: "You don’t have to attend every fight you’re invited to." – James Lehman "As a young person, you don’t know how to deal effectively with frustration." – Kimball Lewis "The kids who are difficult are going to be difficult no matter what. You’re going to have to adjust your parenting style." – Kimball Lewis 3 Interesting Clips: 7:38 – 8:44 - Why kids act out. 11:39 – 12:11 – Why the parent is the solution. 22:04 – 22:43 – Navigating blended families: “The kids didn’t ask for this.” Links: Kimball Lewis: LinkedIn | Website James Lehman Explain Yourself Once and Move On I'm 18 - You Can’t Tell Me What To Do "I Hate You Mom I Wish You Were Dead" Text us: 760-389-3722 Send us an anonymous letter Subscribe & Review on Apple Podcasts! Are you subscribed to our podcast? If not, we would strongly suggest you do. This way you won’t miss a thing! Subscribe here: Everything Always And now for the pretty please with a Bordeaux Maraschino Cherry on top. We would be so incredibly grateful if you left us a review on for Everything Always as well. This will help other parents and families like you find our podcast. Plus, it’s fun for Mike and I to sit and read them together on date night! Just click here, click open in Apple, select “Ratings and Reviews”, tell us your favorite moment and best take away and we will send a huge cyber hug and kiss right to you! Find the Everything Always Podcast wherever you listen! Apple Podcasts acast Pocketcasts ListenNotes Spotify player.fm