74. Te mihi ki te tangata (Acknowledgments and thanks)
Everyday Māori - A podcast by Hēmi Kelly and Āpera Woodfine

In this episode, we explore a kōrero between two people about saying thanks.Different way to say ‘Thanks’ in conversation: Kia ora koe/kōrua/koutouTēnā koe/kōrua/koutouNgā mihi (nui)Ngā mihi ki a koe/kōrua/koutouKa nui te mihiKa nui te mihi ki a koe/kōrua/koutou Acknowledging someone and what they’ve done: Tēnā koe i tō haere maiTēnā koe i tō/ō mahiTēnā koe i tō/ō kōreroTēnā koe i ō kupuTēnā koe i tō tautoko mai i ahauTēnā koutou i ngā manaakitangaTēnā koe nāu i tuku ngā karakiaTēnā koutou i ēnei kohaE te kaikarakia, tēnā koe Acknowledging and greeting can be a way of expressing thanks, where words like mihi, whakamoemiti, whakamihi, aumihi and mihi taurangi are used. Here are some examples taken from the old Māori newspapers, which can be found if you Google niupepa Māori.Tuatahi, he whakamoemiti atu nāku ki ngā iwi o te Tai Rāwhiti. E hoa mā, e kore e taea e au te whakamārama te nui o taku whakamoemiti atu ki a koutou - Te Kōpara, 1919. He nui taku whakamihi ki te kaha o R. T. K. ki te whakamāori i nga kupu nunui ngā tohunga o te iwi Pākehā - Te Toa Takitini, 1926. E koro, tēnā koe, tēnei ahau te aumihi atu nei kia koe mōu i kaha ki te hāereere ki te tiro haere i ō marae i Aotearoa me te Waipounamu - Te Puke ki Hikurangi, 1900. Certain kīwaha can be used to express thanks:Mei kore ake koeMe kore ake koe hei whakaako mai i a mātou.Mei kore ake koe hei tohutohu i a mātou.Nāu i pai ai te huiNā koutou i pai ai tēnei rāNāu i rangatira ai tēnei huiE tika ana kia mihia ngā ringaweraMe mihi ka tika ki ngā kaiwhakahaereThe Everyday Māori Podcast is supported by Te Mātāwai as a part of its contribution to Maihi Māori - Kia ūkaipō anō te reo. Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.