73. Te piki maunga (Climbing the mountain)

Everyday Māori - A podcast by Hēmi Kelly and Āpera Woodfine


In this episode, we explore a kōrero between two people about climbing the mountain.Episode dialogue:Hēmi:He whakaaro tōku, me piki ake tāua ki te tihi o Maungawhau.Āpera:Ka taea e koe?Hēmi:E mea ana koe! Taihoa ake, ka kite mehemea ka taea e koe.(Nāwai rā, nāwai rā, ka tae a Āpera rāua ko Hēmi ki te taumata).Hēmi:Titiro, ka taea e au te kite tōku whare.Āpera:He aha hoki! Kei whea?Hēmi:Arā, kei kō! Kei te kite koe i te tuanui whero rā?Āpera:Āe.Hēmi:Koirā tōku whare.Āpera:Kāore e taea e au tōku whare te kite, engari ka taea te kite tōku takiwā.Hēmi:Kei whea?Āpera:Kei te kite koe i te maunga rā, ko Takarunga tērā.Hēmi:Āe.Āpera:Kei raro iho i tērā te rohe o Te Hau Kapua.The Everyday Māori Podcast is supported by Te Mātāwai as a part of its contribution to Maihi Māori - Kia ūkaipō anō te reo. Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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