34: The Galway Connemara - AUDIO BOOK PREVIEW by Elaine Heney - Part 3 of 5

Listening to the Horse by Elaine Heney | Equine training, education, psychology, horsemanship, groundwork, riding & dressage for the equestrian. With horse care, health, ownership, knowledge, communication, mind, connection & behaviour information tips. - A podcast by Elaine Heney talks horse riding, horse training and natural horsemanship


To celebrate the launch of my new book, the Galway Connemara, please enjoy this sneak peek of the audio book edition. You can buy the paperback, hardcover, ebook & audio book on my website at  https://www.elaineheneybooks.com The Galway Connemara is inspired by Black Beauty, and follows the life of an Irish Connemara pony called Lir. The story is told in his own words. I hope you like it.

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