Cécile Blaireau, Teacher, Entrepreneur, In Conversation with Edx Education
Play, Learn & Create with Edx Education - A podcast by edxeducation

Espisode - 29 - Heather Welch from Edx Education in conversation with Cecile . Cécile Blaireau, The Frenchie Mummy is a mum to the cheeky Baba, Ex-teacher, she has been blogging about her life as a French ex-pat in the UK. She is on a mission to empower and inspire mums to be amazing. She loves presenting you with family-friendly places in Kent and London and French fashion through her award winning blog! Today we are chatting to Cecile, about home learning, importance of skills learnt in the last 12 months for children, being bi lingual & where to next with “The Frenchie Mummy”… Here are the highlights from the episode: {2:00} How Cecile started her blog {4:05} Tips for Mums who want to start their own blog {8:30} Maternity leave in lockdown {12:25} Ceciles approach to home learning during the last year as an ex-Teacher {16:21} Cecile's career before The Frenchie Mummy {24:50} Cecile's most memorable moment in lockdown {27:40} The worry about our children's academic losses, social skills, and imagination #frenchiemummy #parentblogger #educationtoys #edxeducation