Developer Digest 6

Eat Sleep Code Podcast - A podcast by Telerik


Ed and Sam Basu cover the latest news in the development community including: Angular 2, NativeScript snacks, ASP.NET Core RTM, and Windows CLI. 00:01 Ed Charbeneau: This podcast is part of the Telerik Developer Network. Telerik, by Progress. [music] 00:18 EC: Hello and welcome to Eat Sleep Code, the official Telerik podcast. I’m your host, Ed Charbeneau, and today my co-host for the Telerik Developer Digest episode will be Sam Basu. Hey, Sam. 00:32 Sam Basu: Hey, Ed. How you’re doing? 00:35 EC: Good. We have a busy week with the Telerik Developer relations. Brian is out, so thanks for filling in for him. 00:43 SB: No problem. 00:46 EC: So, I’m gonna kick things off a little differently this time. We have a really cool program going, called All Your Snacks Are Belong to Us. This is a NativeScript DevRel initiative. So, the NativeScriptSnacks website is this really cool place where you can go get these five minute or less videos on how to do something really awesome in NativeScript. So there’s a campaign going to get people out there and submit some videos of your own, and we have some cool sunglasses and stuff that we’re giving away. So I asked Jen Looper, who is in charge of this really cool contest, or whatever you wanna call it, to just kinda give us a little info on what the contest is all about and how to get involved. So I’m gonna hand it over to Jen, and then we’ll get back to the show in a moment. 01:53 Jen Looper: Hi, everyone. This is Jen from Developer Relations and I’m happy to announce a fun summer program that we’ve launched on the NativeScript community Slack channel. First of all, if you aren’t on that channel, you can join by visiting, clicking Community, and then Slack Channel and requesting an invitation. And we have a lot of fun times on that channel, I’ll tell you. Second, we’ve launched a bounty program from within that Slack channel which involves submitting any short video tutorials or code snippets for NativeScript apps. So this summer, if you submit a snack, what I call a snack, to, I will personally ship you a pair of NativeScript sunglasses. And these are really nice, comfortable, good-looking glasses. You’re gonna need them during the dog days of summer. So please, visit, submit a snack and tell us all about it on Slack. Thanks a lot. 02:43 EC: Okay, Sam, we’re back with the next topic at hand. We had an article by Peter Filipov this week, and the title of the article is “Every ASP.NET web developer can be a mobile developer”. So Peter’s discussing the similarities between ASP.NET web forms and NativeScript. So, Sam, what’s your take on this comparison? Is this something that’s really similar, or how were those similarities broke down, what do you think? 03:21 SB: Yes, I think so. But before we get into it, just maybe a quick introduction. Peter Filipov is actually our colleague on the Developer Relations team. He comes from a very technical background. He used to be one of the PMs in our ASP.NET developer tools division for Telerik, and he has come over from Sofia and now he is a PM and a DevRel for Sitefinity, so he really comes from a very diverse and technical background. And I think what he’s doing, and he’s got a couple of articles this week, he’s trying to draw some parallels between the world that he comes from of ASP.NET and Sitefinity, and bringing that experience over to NativeScript, which is our cross-platform way of making Native mobile apps. And I think he makes some very convincing points. Find the full transcript on Telerik Developer Network

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