War and the Environment: Palestine

Earth Matters - A podcast by Megan Williams, Bec Horridge, Nicky Stott, Eiddwen Jeffery, Judith Peppard & Jacob Gamble. - Sundays


“If we don’t end war, war will end us.”H.G. WellsAs true as it was back in 1936, it is still true today. And whilst the human cost of war is undeniable, not often considered is the environmental damage that comes with it. Today we draw from a recently run forum, which looked at how the climate movement can show solidarity for the Palestinian cause, particularly with the latest round of violence, death, and destruction in Gaza.We look at how a colonial, extractivist mindset has shaped the relationship with Palestinian land, the connection to the experience in Australia, how climate change is being driven by the carbon bootprint of militaries, and some of the impacts of militarism on land and water in Palestine.We hear from:Rihab Charida, a digital story teller, filmmaker and producer from Safsaf, Safad region in the Upper Galilee, Palestine.Pablo Brait, a Jewish campaigner and community organiser who has been fighting for climate justice and against coal and gas expansions for over 15 years.Asseel Tayah, a Palestinian born and raised artist and activist telling stories of home and having to leave it.Danya Jacobs, an environmental lawyer in Naarm, and a human rights activist doing accompaniment and solidarity when visiting Palestine/Israel.Boe Spearim, a Gamilaraay and Kooma man, podcaster and activist based in Brisbane who has been involved in both for over 10 yearsFahimah Badrulhisham from the Muslim Collective, architect and climate justice campaignerElise West from the Medical Association for the Prevention of War.With thanks to Medical Association for the Prevention of War, Friends of the Earth, Action Aid, Muslim Collective, 350.org, Tipping Point, and Democracy in Colour for their assistance in the production of this show.Featuring music from Australian producer, Monkey Marc, with his track, Emergency.Earth Matters #1430 was produced by Phil Evans.Produced on Gunaikurnai Land.