Avsnitt 3 - Pleasure, love and coffee

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(English below)Dagens avsnitt är på engelskaIdag gästas jag av ingen mindre än Elena Rossi som driver instagramkontot The Yoni Empire. Elena är sexpedagog, orgasmcoach och pratar om vikten av njutning. Hon bryter normer och pratar och skriver skamlöst om kvinnlig erotik och stöttar kvinnor att komma över sina trösklar inom sexualitet, sex med partner eller sig själv. Hon tycker vi fokuserar allt för mycket på sexualitet och borde fokusera mer på sensualitet. "If you want epic sex with your partner, you need to learn to have epic sex with yourself"I dagens avsnitt pratar vi såklart om njutning i både sex och vardag, om feminint ledarskap och att vara medveten om sina behov och gränser. Är in intresserade av vad Elena pysslar med så smyg in på hennes Instagram:The Yoni Empireeller via www.theyoniempire.com  ____________________ Elena Rossi is an Orgasm Coach, Conscious Sex Educator, pleasure toy designer, full-time writer and lover of all things pleasure-related. Sex-nerd at heart, Elena has a no-bullshit approach to sexuality. She writes shamelessly about female eroticism, supporting women with overcoming sexual insecurities and challenges.  Her goal is to introduce women to their authentic eroticsm and orgasm potential.  A passionate entrepreneur, Elena holds a Masters Degree in Leadership and has been creating successful wellness business concepts since 2011. She facilitates 1:1 coaching sessions, personal trainings & workshops and runs lectures all over the world.  She collaborates with the world’s leading sexuality experts, creating top quality online content. Based in Amsterdam, Elena spends her days (mostly procrastinating), drinking coffee, self-pleasuring, trail running, supporting women in their sexual expansion journeys and working on her book series. She enjoys long walks to the fridge, sweaty Crossfit workouts, juicy papaya and when ice-cream melts all over her hands. Find her on @the_yoni_empire and www.theyoniempire.com