Dualistic Unity Raw Episode 45 (March 27th, 2023) |  Journey Beyond Belief

Dualistic Unity - A podcast by Andrew and Ray

An unedited copy of the Dualistic Unity Livestream from March 27, 2023. Join us weekly at https://twitch.tv/DualisticUnity Through engaging anecdotes, thought-provoking discussions, and a touch of humor, we explore the notion of dualistic unity— the profound realization that we are interconnected parts of a whole, each reflecting and embodying the entirety of existence. From examining the paradoxes of faith and identity to dissecting the intricacies of human interactions and societal structures, this episode is a call to awaken to the true essence of our beings. Join us on this voyage of self-discovery and empowerment, where we not only question the fabric of our reality but also weave a new tapestry of understanding and connection. Let's embrace the beauty of our collective journey and the infinite possibilities that await when we dare to let go of who we think we are and open ourselves to who we truly are. - [00:00:00] Introduction: Embracing the complexity of faith and existence.- [00:42:00] Revelations on appreciating existence beyond ego.- [01:45:00] Anticipation and preparation for the upcoming retreat.- [03:01:00] Discussion on setting expectations for experiences.- [03:33:00] Deep dive into the etymology and misconceptions of sin.- [04:37:00] Analyzing the paradox of belief and missing the mark.- [05:46:00] Examining discomfort in clinging to beliefs and identities.- [06:25:00] Catholic confession critiqued for bypassing self-reflection.- [07:21:00] Discussing the cycle of sin and confession in Christianity.- [08:33:00] The absence of genuine accountability in religious confession.- [09:42:00] The strategy of religions to maintain belief and follower retention.- [11:19:00] The impact of early religious indoctrination on belief systems.- [12:36:00] The challenge of confronting widespread beliefs and societal norms.- [13:50:00] Religion as an egotistical construct perpetuating division.- [15:24:00] Journeying from external teachings to internal understanding.- [17:20:00] The avoidance of recognizing self through external affirmations.- [18:23:00] Importance of self-recognition in every interaction.- [21:55:00] Potential of community actions devoid of religious constraints.- [24:33:00] Reflections on the organic growth of Dualistic Unity and its community.- [27:29:00] Imagining innovative community ventures beyond traditional norms.- [31:53:00] Encouraging exploration of self and existence's vast possibilities.- [33:09:00] The transformative potential of collective action.- [34:44:00] Discussing resource allocation and community-driven efforts.- [36:17:00] Emphasizing unity and empathy in enacting change.- [37:20:00] Introduction of an investor interest form for Dualistic Unity's growth.- [39:08:00] The fluid and evolving concept of Dualistic Unity.- [40:12:00] Overcoming societal and individual limitations through awareness.- [42:24:00] Personal motivations behind the dedication to Dualistic Unity.- [44:56:00] The journey of letting go of self-imposed limitations.- [46:22:00] Significance of questioning self-identity and societal expectations.- [47:38:00] Critique of mainstream motivational narratives.- [49:14:00] Continuous self-questioning and rejection of simple answers.- [49:50:00] Explanation of investment in Dualistic Unity and its vision.- [53:01:00] The paradox of self-faith and navigating societal changes.- [56:27:00] Reflections on personal growth and the mission of Dualistic Unity.- [01:04:12] The evolving recognition of self and the dreamlike nature of existence.- [01:09:11] Embracing the potential for change through self-awareness.- [01:19:40] Estimating the number of people sharing a similar mindset.- [01:29:58] Addressing societal challenges and the role of Dualistic Unity.- [01:34:47] Exploring the limitless potential of collective consciousness.- [01:39:36] The ongoing dialogue with self and the infinite within and closing thoughts.   

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