#171: Maintenance Mode
Drinking From the Toilet: Real dogs, Real training - A podcast by Hannah Branigan

In this episode, we discuss, when you might outsource maintenance to the environment?, functional difference between intrinsic and extrinsic reinforcers in maintaining behaviors, how easy it is for behaviors to start slipping before we notice, one way to avoid or minimize that slippage is to design a rotation, start by grabbing some behaviors or exercises that matter to you, then give yourself a time frame to rotate through those behaviors (I usually use a 2 week block), and starting with your item at the top of the rotation for today (do a test run for the purposes of seeing where you’re at, identify either something that is weak now that you are looking at it OR a way you could do something differently, make yourself a little session to work on that thing). For full show notes and transcript, visit: www.hannahbranigan.dog/podcast/171 This podcast is supported by MET Conference 2023: www.metconference.com/