DB 123: You must fall before you can fly! Just ask an Eagle :)
Dream Big Podcast for Kids - A podcast by Eva, Sophia and Olga Karpman - Mondays

There is an incredible speaker named Myron Golden who teaches about the Law Of Advancement. The idea behind this law is that you must always go down before you can go up. It might sound backwards but think about it for a second. For a seed to turn into a tree -- it must first go into the ground before it can sprout. Before skyscrapers are built -- construction workers have to dig deep into the ground to lay the proper foundation to support the skyscraper that will be erected above the ground. And in this episode, Eva shares Myron’s story of a mama and her baby eagles and how she teaches one of her babies Sophia (played by Eva’s 3 years old sister Sophia) how to fly. As always, Eva then shares how the story applies to going after your Big Dreams. For our show notes, visit DreamBigPodcast.com/123