You Got a Christmas Puppy. Now What?
Dog Works Radio - A podcast by Dog Works Radio

You got a Christmas Puppy? Now What? it's Christmas morning and you walk up to your Christmas tree with your nice warm coffee you see your Christmas gift you have been begging for all year long: a puppy. This puppy is so cute and has a little red bow on its collar that just looking at it melts your heart. You rush over and pick up your new puppy and this puppy loves to cuddle, has puppy breath and is sweet as can be! This is the world's best puppy and it can only get better from here! Now we have more traveling, planning for New Year's and lots of people to host. 7 Essential Things Every Dog Owner Should Know: Http:// 100 Dog Training Tips: Http:// Wilderness Athlete: Code DogWorks for 10% OFF Connect Podcast: Work with us: Https:// Support the podcast: Dog Training: Become a Member of our Pack! Podcaster? Consider Riverside.FM