"I Don't Even Have Pizza Budget" with Kijana Woodard
Does A Frog Have Scorpion Nature? - A podcast by Nikhil Suresh
This episode is one that I've been super excited for - it's with Kijana Woodard, who runs kaizen.io! Kijana reached out to me a few months ago to talk about some writing, and we've been talking ever since. We're spiritually aligned on what fulfilling work looks like, and had a fantastic time talking. Today's topics range from how it's terrible that I.T has three-year seniors to how most actual decision-making authority looks like it's distributed, but in reality most managers don't have the ability to buy their team a pizza. Kijana also tells me one of the funniest stories I've ever heard in the tech space in the last three minutes. As always, feedback at [email protected] is welcome, especially on audio quality. I think I did a lot better this time, but I have listened so many times that I feel like I've lost the ability to even tell what's good anymore.