#304 - Bob Moran: Cognitive Dissonance: The Pandemic Nobody Talks About

Doc Malik - A podcast by Ahmad Malik

FREEDOM - HEALTH - HAPPINESSWARNING - This podcast is highly addictive and seriously good for your health.SUPPORT DOC MALIK To make sure you don't miss any episodes, have access to bonus content, back catalogue, and monthly Live Streams, please subscribe to either: The paid Spotify subscription here: https://creators.spotify.com/pod/show/docmalik/subscribe The paid Substack subscription here: https://docmalik.substack.com/subscribeThank you to all the new subscribers for your lovely messages and reviews! And a big thanks to my existing subscribers for sticking with me and supporting the show! ABOUT THIS CONVERSATION: Bob Moran and I explore the intersection of art, satire, and the medical system, reflecting on personal journeys of disillusionment and awakening. We discuss the psychological manipulation behind public health narratives, the ethical failures of regulatory bodies, and the role of media in shaping public perception. From scepticism about mainstream healthcare to questioning political motives and societal control, we delve into the illusion of choice, cognitive dissonance, and the broader agenda influencing humanity. Ultimately, we emphasise the importance of truth, moral principles, and wisdom in navigating an increasingly complex and controlled world.Please visit my Substack newsletter for more details regarding this podcast with Alex and further links. EnjoyAhmad xLinksX https://x.com/bobscartoons/Website https://www.bobmoran.co.uk/IMPORTANT INFORMATIONAFFILIATE CODESWaterpureI distill all my water for drinking, washing fruit and vegetables, and cooking. If you knew what was in tap water, so would you!https://waterpure.co.uk/docmalik BUY HERE TODAYHunter & Gather FoodsSeed oils are inflammatory, toxic and nasty; eliminate them from your diet immediately. Check out the products from this great companyhttps://hunterandgatherfoods.com/?ref=DOCHG BUY HERE TODAYUse DOCHG to get 10% OFF your purchase with Hunter & Gather Foods.IMPORTANT NOTICEIf you value my podcasts, please support the show so that I can continue to speak up by choosing one or both of the following options - Buy me a coffee If you want to make a one-off donation.Join my Substack To access additional content, you can upgrade to paid from just £5.50 a monthDoc Malik Merch Store Check out my amazing freedom merchTo sponsor the Doc Malik Podcast contact us at [email protected] out my website, visit www.docmalik.com

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