Episode 0: Linux Flagship Devices, Rolling for Servers, Older Hardware and Ubuntu 19.10 Eoan Ermine

Linux Out Loud - A podcast by TuxDigital Network - Saturdays


In this, our preview DLN Xtend episode, we discuss the (unusual?) concept of Linux flagship devices, the pros and cons of rolling releases on the server side, the continuing trend of removing support for older hardware in many Linux distributions and a brief look at some of the highlights in the Ubuntu 19.10 Eoan Ermine release.

Fun fact. Nate and I did this as a test recording that we assumed we wouldn't use. Turns out the DLN crew liked it and suggested we publish it. Who are we to refuse? All kidding aside, this is our first go at this and so we ask for some patience and also any feedback you might have. Please stop by the DLN Discourse, Telegram, Mumble and Discord to let us know what you think.

We know you are busy and appreciate (AppreciNate!) you taking time out of your day to listen to our podcast. Thank you!

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