Ep.13 빨리빨리 문화💨 (The Quickly, quickly! Culture 💨) • Didi의 한국어 Podcast
Didi의 한국문화 Podcast - A podcast by Didi
Let's go quickly! Please do it quickly! I've shared my thoughts on the characteristic of Koreans wanting to do everything quickly and efficiently! 🏃♀️🏃🏃♂️ The 'quickly quickly' culture, is it a good thing? Or a bad thing? ˗ˋˏ✄————————— 💌 사연신청: https://forms.gle/WL5w8D3RxMRUkjnv7 📼 For subtitles of this episode, please visit: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3oR29n7Z1PI 🍚 Support the creator: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/didikoreanpodcast