1: Coronavirus and kids March 2020
Crib Notes - A podcast by Rick Kelsey and Dr. Sarah Blackstock

Rick and Dr. Sarah talk though the concerns parents have over Coronavirus (Covid-19) in children in an extra episode of Crib Notes. They discuss keeping your children healthy, the signs of Coronavirus and the importance of social distancing. This episode was recorded in early March. Some information has become out of date as evidence, knowledge of the disease and guidelines have evolved. Please keep up to date with the NHS website. https://www.nhs.uk/ Please remember the discussion in this episode is not medical advice. If you have any concerns regarding your child please do seek professional medical attention. This episode discusses Coronavirus, not fever in general, and remember that for any child under 3 months with fever you must seek medical attention. The information discussed is the opinions of individuals and not the organisations they work for. Insta: Crib Notes Podcast. Email: [email protected] Some useful links for parents with supportive information: For Kids and Teens Covibook – Supporting and Reassuring Children Round the World Anna Freud: Video for children & young people For Parent-Talking to YP about Coronavirus: BPS guidance – Talking to Children About Coronavirus Anna Freud: Video for parents Place2Be – Guide to helping parents answer questions from their children and to support family wellbeing Young Minds - Talking to your child about Coronavirus and 10 tips from their Parents Helpline to support family wellbeing For Parent-Supporting children through Coronavirus: Liverpool CAMHS resource – Supporting Children during social distancing CKPHU- How to help children understand and cope with covid Royal College of OT’s- Staying well when social distancing Activities and Education Free meditations from Headspace Advice on home schooling during Corona virus 1 Advice on home schooling during Corona virus 2 Free online activities for children at home from school: The Big List of Children’s Authors Doing Online Read Alouds & Activities National Literacy Trust parents portal Long list of free education resources Information for parents of young people with neurodevelopmental needs/ Special Educational Needs (SEN) National Autistic Society – Covid-19 guidance and helpline for parents, young people and staff Free Webinar Replay: Coronavirus Crash Course for Parents: Keeping Kids with ADHD in ‘Study Mode’ While Home from School Supportive Information for Schools Anna Freud: Supporting Schools and Colleges during periods of disruption Anna Freud: Video for school staff BPS: Support and advice for schools Disclaimer: All content in the Crib Notes podcast series is provided for your general information only and not as medical advice. Please don’t use our podcast as a replacement for a consultation with your doctor or other qualified care professional, or ignore different advice you have received from a medical professional. If you have any concerns about your, or your baby’s health, please contact your local healthcare provider. To the fullest extent permitted by law, the publisher (Crib Notes Global Limited) is not responsible for any errors or omissions, or for any consequences arising from your reliance on the information in our podcast. We do not give any warranties, express or implied, with respect to the contents, completeness or accuracy of the material published. However, we do not seek to exclude our liability for death or personal injury resulting from our negligence, or any other liabilities that may not be excluded under applicable law.