Enneagram Type 9: The Peacemaker

Complete Developer Podcast - A podcast by BJ Burns and Will Gant - Thursdays


The Enneagram of Personality, or just the Enneagram, is a representation of personalities using a geometric figure, also called an enneagram (little e), to express nine interconnected personality types. While each type is unique it is related to other types through the circle connecting the type to each of it’s wings and the lines or arrows in the center connecting the type to the ones it imitates in times of stress or growth. The Enneagram is used in business management training to better understand interpersonal dynamics in the workplace. Types eight, nine, and one constitute the gut triad. This triad is primarily motivated by anger. Those in the gut triad tend to filter life at a “gut level” or by instinct. Because of that, they tend to be motivated by a desire to be independent and stay in control of their own life. Of the three, Nines avoid their anger, preferring to forget they have anger than to address it. At their best, Nines are natural mediators able to see both sides of any disagreement. They are able to see themselves as independent but in relation to others and bring a calming influence where ever they go. They are supporting and inclusive, bringing people together. At their worst, Nines will avoid problems and try to remove themselves from any conflict. They dissociate to the point of becoming numb and depersonalized. They are not able to make decisions for themselves becoming overly dependent on others in their lives. Nines bring a certain type of peace and tranquility to the world around them. They are able to see both sides in a conflict and guide the opposing views into a compromise where both come away with something they wanted. Peacemakers can have trouble with personal growth because it means messing with the status quo and that could lead to conflict. If you are a Nine, remember that your thoughts, feelings, and opinions do matter. You can stand up for yourself and disagree without causing conflict. Friends of Peacemakers can help them by actively seeking their opinion on things and respecting when they disagree without turning it into an argument or conflict. Help them to see that their opinions do matter, even if they aren’t the same as those around them. Episode Breakdown Main Characteristics The Enneagram Type 9 is “The Peacemaker” Their devotion to peace, both within themselves and between others, is why the Nine is called the Peacemaker. They are trusting, accepting, supportive, and creative. The Peacemaker’s downfall is that they can become too willing to keep the peace and go along with others when they know that it is wrong. They avoid conflict, even when it is necessary. Nines are often very spiritual, considered “spiritual seekers”. Their desire for harmony and connection extends beyond just connecting with other people but to connecting with a higher power. This spirituality can be harmful for the Peacemaker who doesn’t have a firm grasp of who they are. Since Nines tend to forget themselves they can turn positive spiritual experience into escapism trying to avoid the tensions and conflicts in life. As a member of the Gut or Anger Triad, Nines can become very grounded and in touch with their instincts. However, when they are not in grounded they will retreat into a fantasy world of their mind or emotions. Peacemakers have the uncanny ability to see every view point at the same time. They are even able to integrate those views into a workable solution that will satisfy everyone involved. If they aren’t careful, though, Nines can become disconnected from who they really are. They lose themselves in their ability to see the world from all different view points. As children, many Nines grew up in homes where they didn’t feel that their needs were important. At some point growing up they received the woun...

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