Enneagram Type 7: The Enthusiast

Complete Developer Podcast - A podcast by BJ Burns and Will Gant - Thursdays


The Enneagram of Personality, or just the Enneagram, is a representation of personalities using a geometric figure, also called an enneagram (little e), to express nine interconnected personality types. While each type is unique it is related to other types through the circle connecting the type to each of it’s wings and the lines or arrows in the center connecting the type to the ones it imitates in times of stress or growth. The Enneagram is used in business management training to better understand interpersonal dynamics in the workplace. Types Five, Six, and Seven constitute the Head triad. This triad is primarily motivated by their thoughts. Those in the head triad tend to filter life through an intellectual lens. Because of that, they tend to be motivated by a need for security and tend to feel stressed or anxious when that need is not met. They are often accused of overthinking things or living in their heads. Of the three, Sevens want nothing to do with fear. They attempt to completely avoid it by ignoring it, even when it can be helpful to them. At their best, Sevens find wonder in the simple things in life. They are joyful and ecstatic. They understand that more times than not, “less is more” allowing them to understand how much they have invested into their own happiness. They are able to allow themselves to feel a full range of emotions, even the less pleasant ones. At their worst, Sevens are excessive, impulsive, and infantile. They do not know when to stop, especially when doing something pleasurable. They feel sorry for themselves taking on the victim mentality. To escape this anxiety they become impulsive to the point of losing control. Sevens bring a child like wonder to the world. Their adventurous spirit and curious nature can revitalize even the hardest curmudgeon. Though their avoidance of anything uncomfortable can cause them problems. If you are a Seven, remember that pain in unavoidable in life. Though you may be able to reduce it some be sure to practice moderation when enjoying life. Understand that true happiness and satisfaction will not be found in the next adventure, you have to find it in yourself. Friends of Enthusiasts can help them by sharing their stories of overcoming painful events. Help them to see that they can be content and happy with who they are and what they have now. Episode Breakdown Main Characteristics The Enneagram Type 7 is “The Enthusiast”. Their high enthusiasm for everything in life is why the Seven is called The Enthusiast. They are extroverted, spontaneous, playful, and high spirited approaching life with a sense of adventure and curiosity. However, Sevens can become overextended if not careful. They have a tendency to take on all the projects that interest them. This tendency leads to a scattered, undisciplined life with little actually getting finished. Enthusiasts are best described by the word “chutzpah”, which is Yiddish for a “extreme self-confidence or audacity.” They dive after the things they want in life with a cheerful, joyous determination. As members of the Head Triad, Sevens will avoid pain by thinking their way out of it. They will either intellectualize painful emotions or start telling jokes and stories to change the topic. Introspection is difficult for the Seven because they actively run from it. Enthusiasts are not particularly intellectual or even the best students. Instead, they have quick wit, agile minds, and anticipatory thinking. Sevens will forsee things and then try to come up with ideas in the moment. Sevens have an uncanny ability to reframe a bad situation to something positive. It stems from a defence mechanism but when used consciously they not only rationalize any negative but are then able to turn it into a win. When faced with disappointment or emotional pain as children,

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