Enneagram Type 6: The Loyalist

Complete Developer Podcast - A podcast by BJ Burns and Will Gant - Thursdays


The Enneagram of Personality, or just the Enneagram, is a representation of personalities using a geometric figure, also called an enneagram (little e), to express nine interconnected personality types. While each type is unique it is related to other types through the circle connecting the type to each of it’s wings and the lines or arrows in the center connecting the type to the ones it imitates in times of stress or growth. The Enneagram is used in business management training to better understand interpersonal dynamics in the workplace. Types Five, Six, and Seven constitute the Head triad. This triad is primarily motivated by their thoughts. Those in the head triad tend to filter life through an intellectual lens. Because of that, they tend to be motivated by a need for security and tend to feel stressed or anxious when that need is not met. They are often accused of overthinking things or living in their heads. Of the three, Sixes have the most difficulty believing and trusting in themselves. They lack confidence in their own judgement and fear making important decision on their own. At their best, Sixes have learned to trust their own judgement. They are able to organize their thoughts and take action, becoming logical, productive leaders. They are excellent judges of character, able to form lasting relationships with others. At their worst, Sixes live in fear that everyone is “out to get them.” Because they feel persecuted they tend to irrationally fly off the handle putting others on the defensive. They feel inferior and tend to cling to authority figures. In a world focused on propagating fear, the Six is the biggest consumer. Fear and anxiety are natural defense mechanisms our bodies use to help us know there is danger or to be prepared for danger. The problem comes for the Six when these mechanisms overwhelm them and they let their fear drive their lives. When self-doubt sets in, the Loyalist turns to their beliefs, ideals, or an authority figure to protect them from what they fear. For Sixes it is very important to recognize when you are internalizing fear and messages of impending danger. Those who are around Sixes, friends, family, or coworkers, can help them by not feeding into their anxieties and instead offering reassurances that even if the worst case happens you will be there for them to help them through it. Episode Breakdown Main Characteristics The Enneagram Type 6 is “The Loyalist”. Sixes are called the Loyalist, because they are the most loyal not only to the people in their lives but also to their beliefs. They cannot stand vagueness or inconsistency, instead the Loyalist needs to know where a person stands. Though beliefs and ideals are paramount for the Six, they can be difficult for them to attain since the following of a belief or idea requires trust. However, once attained, they hold fast to their beliefs because of this difficulty in getting to that point. The Loyalist’s devotion to their beliefs and ideals stems from their strong need for security and consistency. They need their lives to be ordered with plans and rules to follow. Though, they are not always rule followers as some find their ideal in the rebellious. Sixes do not trust their environment causing them to respond to life cautiously. Excessive planners, they will have a tertiary back-up for everything and then another one, “just in case.” When trying something new, they need to see it done several times first. The Loyalist’s devotion to others in their life stems from a fear of abandonment. They do not want to be abandoned and left without support when faced with life’s challenges. This drives them to not abandon others, even when they should. They value community above all else. Because of their fears this is hard for them to find so when they do attach to a person or group they do no...

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