Enneagram Type 5: The Investigator

Complete Developer Podcast - A podcast by BJ Burns and Will Gant - Thursdays


The Enneagram of Personality, or just the Enneagram, is a representation of personalities using a geometric figure, also called an enneagram (little e), to express nine interconnected personality types. While each type is unique it is related to other types through the circle connecting the type to each of it’s wings and the lines or arrows in the center connecting the type to the ones it imitates in times of stress or growth. The Enneagram is used in business management training to better understand interpersonal dynamics in the workplace. Types Five, Six, and Seven constitute the Head triad. This triad is primarily motivated by their thoughts. Those in the head triad tend to filter life through an intellectual lens. Because of that, they tend to be motivated by a need for security and tend to feel stressed or anxious when that need is not met. They are often accused of overthinking things or living in their heads. Of the three types, Fives tend to see themselves as separate from their environment. The world around them is something to be watched and observed. At their best, Fives are insightful and curious. They are able to focus on complex ideas and contemplate them deeply. They are able to achieve mastery of complex skills through focused work. They are innovative and can often be visionary pioneers in their particular fields of specialty, being ahead of their time and seeing the world in new ways. At their worst, Fives become preoccupied with their own thoughts. They can become high-strung and intense while being attached to imaginary constructs in their own minds. They can become isolated, nihilistic, and eccentric. Fives are reserved, play their cards close to their chest, and are skilled at diving deeply into complex topics. Far from emotionless, fives simply are not led around by their emotions, preferring to let logic guide them. Because of their ability to focus on complex topics, they have a bias towards avoiding extraneous detail in conversations that distracts from the main point. Further, they find social interactions tiring and will need to get away from them to recharge. If you are a five, remember that you exist in an ecosystem of other people, and that you need to manage their perceptions of you. You also need to remember that most other people are more emotional than rational, so will you need to listen well enough to perceive the emotions of others, even if you don’t feel those emotions yourself. You may need to use external tools to make sure that the people in your life don’t feel neglected by your natural tendencies and you need to make sure that the people you are close to understand your need for solitude and privacy. Above all else, remember that these things are important to ensure a quality life lived on your own terms, without being lonely all the time. Episode Breakdown Main Characteristics The Enneagram Type Five is “The Investigator” Fives are called “The Investigator” because they tend to focus well on complex ideas and skills, becoming preoccupied with their thoughts and mental constructs. The Investigator’s drive to learn stems from a desire to observe life at a distance. They enjoy watching from the sidelines, both because it gives them a larger view of things and because it creates less risk. For the Investigator, collecting knowledge is everything. For them, knowledge provides them with a sense of control and a defense against feelings of inadequacy. Fives also collect knowledge because they don’t want to appear foolish or uninformed, or be humiliated for not having the right answer. They don’t want to feel inept, or incapable, and a lack of knowledge will precipitate that. Fives are masters of compartmentalization. They tend to believe that their inner resources are limited and thus they try to separate parts of their life so that they can appor...

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