S01 Bonus Episode [Recorded in Mandarin] 美國相聲暨中文脫口秀 / 單口喜劇演員艾杰西

Comedy with an Accent - A podcast by Kuan-wen Huang - Tuesdays


[Notes for our non-Mandarin-speaking listeners, this is a one-off special episode recorded in Mandarin. We will be back to our normal bi-weekly episode in English on Jan 31st]先祝各位聽眾一聲新年快樂,兔年行大運。上一集以英文訪問來自美國波士頓,但在中國以相聲和單口喜劇走紅的艾杰西(Jesse Appell)。錄音當天,我們以中文分別又錄製了這一集。本集中文內容集中於主持人冠文與杰西討論中國與台灣所用中文的差異、杰西闡述他中文如何學到如此入骨的歷程、以及中國相聲「說、學、逗、唱」四大要點。看看杰西的中文好得多驚為天人杰西於中國電視節目表演內容

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