Making the Most of Mentoring (5 of 5)

Coaching for Leaders - A podcast by Dave Stachowiak


Lesson 5: How to Learn With People Beside You
Peer accountability lays the groundwork for self-accountability.

In the book Difficult Conversations*, this legend is retold:
After observing O Sensei, the founder of Aikido, sparring with an accomplished fighter, a young student said to the master, “You never lose your balance. What is your secret?” “You are wrong,” O Sensei replied. “I am constantly losing my balance. My skill lies in my ability to regain it.”
Just get started when learning with people beside you. If you do, you’ll discover a lot — even if you occasionally move in the wrong direction.
Academy Applications Close Friday, March 13th
The Academy is a year-long cohort of participant leaders who work personally with me to create movement in their leadership development and organizational results. Discover more and submit your application by Friday, March 13th.

Difficult Conversations: How to Discuss What Matters Most* by Douglas Stone, Bruce Patton, and Sheila Heen
Scott Barlow of Happen to Your Career

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