英语新闻丨Harry Potter attraction to be launched in Shanghai in 2027
CD Voice - A podcast by China Daily

A Harry Potter studio tour will open in Shanghai in 2027, which will be the third such attraction globally and the first in China, its developers announced on Wednesday.1月12日,开发商宣布“哈利·波特制片厂之旅”将于2027年在上海开放,这将是中国第一个、全球第三个同类项目。Officially named Warner Bros Studio Tour Shanghai—The Making of Harry Potter, it will be located in the renovated Shanghai Jinjiang Action Park, according to Jin Jiang International Holdings Co and Warner Bros Discovery Global Experiences.据锦江国际集团与华纳兄弟探索集团全球体验事业部介绍,该景点正式命名为“华纳兄弟(上海)制片厂之旅——哈利·波特的诞生”,将落户翻新的上海锦江乐园。Jinjiang Action Park, in the city's Minhang district, closed on Jan 26 for renovations. The new 53,000-square-meter attraction is still in the regulatory approval stage.锦江乐园位于上海市闵行区,于1月26日闭园进行升级改造。该新景点占地面积5.3万平方米,目前仍处于监管审批阶段。It will offer visitors an immersive behind-the-scenes look at how the Harry Potter franchise brought British author JK Rowling's seven-volume fantasy novel series to life. Visitors will be able to explore the iconic film sets that were designed by the creators of the films, according to Warner Bros Discovery Global Experiences. It will also feature authentic costumes and props, alongside interactive features.该景点将带领游客开启一场身临其境的电影幕后探秘,展示哈利·波特系列电影如何将英国作家J.K.罗琳的七部奇幻小说搬上荧幕。据华纳兄弟探索集团全球体验事业部介绍,游客不仅能探索由“哈利·波特”电影创作者们精心刻画的标志性场景,还能观赏电影中使用的真实服装与道具,并体验互动环节。The tour will include internal and external spaces that will take around half a day to walk through. A landscaped park area will be created in front of the tour for both visitors and the general public.整个游览路线包括室内区域和外场区域,参观全程约需半天时间。入口处还将打造景观公园,供游客和公众游览。The redevelopment project extends beyond the tour itself, Zheng Bei, chairwoman of Shanghai Jinjiang Action Park Co, told Radio Shanghai. The site will feature three main components, including the Harry Potter attraction, a themed hotel and the iconic Ferris wheel ride, which will be upgraded to be around 118 meters tall.上海锦江乐园有限公司董事长郑蓓告诉上海人民广播电台,改造项目不仅仅局限于观光项目本身。该场地将涵盖哈利·波特景点、主题酒店、标志性摩天轮三个主要部分,其中摩天轮将升级至约118米高。The Shanghai location will integrate digital interactive elements with distinctive Chinese elements, Zheng said.郑蓓表示,上海的哈利·波特制片厂之旅项目将结合数字互动元素与独特的中国元素。To manage visitor flow, the attraction will implement a reservation system requiring advance booking for both dates and specific time slots, said Zheng, noting that the park anticipates welcoming approximately 2 million visitors in the first year.郑蓓说,为控制客流量,该景点将实行预约制度,从参观日期到时间段均需提前预约。预计该景点第一年接待游客量约200万人次。"Harry Potter's multigenerational appeal means the Shanghai tour should draw a wide range of fans from teenagers all the way up to adults in their 50s," Zheng said. "We envision visitors coming from across China and even Southeast Asia."郑蓓表示,“哈利·波特具有跨代吸引力,这意味着上海这一观光项目将吸引广泛粉丝群体,从青少年到50多岁的成年人。我们预计将有来自中国各地、甚至东南亚的游客前来打卡。”The original Jinjiang Action Park opened in 1984 as Shanghai's first major theme park.锦江乐园于1984年开业,是上海第一个大型主题公园。"Jinjiang Action Park was a beloved childhood memory for many locals growing up in Shanghai," said Lu Ping, a local born in the 1980s. "Although the park has experienced several revamps, it was less attractive than before. Bringing a Harry Potter attraction here is a way to rejuvenate this space."80后当地人陆萍说:“锦江乐园承载着许多上海本地人的美好童年回忆。虽然乐园已经历多次改造,但吸引力大不如前。引进哈利·波特景点能让这片空间焕发新生。”Lin Huanjie, director of the Shanghai-based Institute for Theme Park Studies in China, said that introducing an international brand like Harry Potter is a smart move, which will activate Jinjiang Action Park's brand value and release new consumer vitality.上海中国主题公园研究院院长林焕杰表示,引进哈利·波特这样的国际品牌是明智之举,将激活锦江乐园的品牌价值,释放新的消费活力。"Shanghai is an ideal landing spot given its status as a global city with a booming tourism market and appetite for high-quality themed entertainment," he added.他补充道:“考虑到上海作为全球城市的地位,拥有蓬勃发展的旅游市场和对高品质主题娱乐的需求,上海是引进此类项目的理想选择。”Lin said that the Shanghai tour differentiates itself from Universal Beijing Resort's Harry Potter-themed land by providing an immersive studio experience focused on the filmmaking process.林焕杰表示,与北京环球度假区的哈利·波特主题园区不同,上海的哈利·波特制片厂之旅能提供专注于电影制作过程的沉浸式体验。And, he said he expects that it would include Chinese cultural elements.他还希望这一景点能融入中国文化元素。"For international branded attractions to truly resonate in China, there needs to be localization that allows Chinese guests to experience and understand the Western stories through an Eastern cultural lens," he said. "The Harry Potter storylines should remain pure, but other facilities can fuse Chinese philosophy and storytelling traditions."他表示,“国际品牌景点想要在中国引起真正共鸣,需要进行本地化,让中国游客能够通过东方文化的视角去体验和理解西方故事。哈利·波特的故事情节应保持原汁原味,但其他设施可以融合中国哲学和叙事传统”。Once officially opened, the studio tour will not just fulfill the dreams of Chinese fans of Harry Potter, but is also expected to attract tourists from South Korea, Southeast Asia and other regions to Shanghai, further boosting the inbound tourism market, he added.他还补充道,哈利·波特制片厂之旅(上海)项目正式开放后,不仅将满足中国“哈迷”的愿望,也有望吸引来自韩国、东南亚及其他地区的游客来上海,进一步促进入境游市场的发展。resonatev.使产生联想;引起共鸣