英语新闻丨Foreign trade grows despite headwinds

CD Voice - A podcast by China Daily

Continuous innovation, global expansion and industrial upgrade will empower Chinese companies to counter rising protectionism and geopolitical tensions this year, driving foreign trade growth and reinforcing China's global competitiveness, said market observers and exporters.市场观察人士和出口商表示,持续创新、全球扩张和产业升级将使中国企业在今年能够应对日益加剧的保护主义和地缘政治紧张局势,推动外贸增长,增强中国的全球竞争力。Despite challenges, China's foreign trade remains resilient, adapting to an increasingly complex global landscape shaped by the United States' new tariff policies, supply chain disruptions, and regulatory uncertainties in certain countries, they added.他们补充道,尽管面临挑战,中国外贸依然保持韧性,不断适应日益复杂的全球格局。这一格局是由美国新关税政策、供应链中断以及某些国家监管不确定性等因素导致的。Zhang Xiaotao, dean of the School of International Trade and Economics at the Central University of Finance and Economics in Beijing, said that as a major player in global trade, China has accumulated extensive experience in navigating international political and economic shifts over the past decade.北京中央财经大学国际贸易与经济学院院长张晓涛表示,过去十年里,中国作为全球贸易的主要参与者,在应对国际政治和经济变迁中积累了丰富经验。"Foreign trade companies have already seen positive results from their strategic adjustments to tackle headwinds, including building new factories and overseas warehouses in countries such as Thailand, Hungary, the US and Brazil, as well as increasing investment in research and development," Zhang said.张晓涛说:“外贸企业已通过战略调整来应对逆风,并取得了积极成果,包括在泰国、匈牙利、美国、巴西等国建设新工厂和海外仓库,以及加大对研发的投入。”Denis Depoux, global managing director at German management consultancy Roland Berger, said that China is now increasingly recognized for its high-value, technologically advanced products, including electric vehicles, solar cells and liquefied natural gas carriers, as it moves up the value chain to drive export growth.德国管理咨询公司罗兰贝格全球董事总经理丹尼斯·德普克斯表示,随着中国在价值链上攀升以推动出口增长,其高价值、高技术产品正越来越受到认可,包括电动汽车、太阳能电池、液化天然气运输船等。Chinese companies exporting high-value products include Narwal, a manufacturer of household robots based in Shenzhen, Guangdong province. The company saw the number of its export markets expand from less than 10 in 2023 to over 30 last year, covering multiple regions and countries including North America, Europe, Australia and Japan.广东省深圳市家用机器人制造商云鲸是出口高价值产品的中国企业之一。该公司产品出口市场从2023年不到10个扩展到2024年的30多个,覆盖北美、欧洲、澳大利亚、日本等多个地区和国家。"We will continue to invest in multiple fields such as 3D perception, artificial intelligence solutions, binocular vision technologies and big data applications to win more orders," said Zhang Junbin, the company's founder.公司创始人张峻彬说:“我们将继续在三维感知、人工智能解决方案、双目视觉技术、大数据应用等多个领域进行投资,以赢得更多订单。”Li Lizhong, sales director at Zhejiang Yueli Electrical Co, a home appliances manufacturer based in Ningbo, Zhejiang province, said the company's personal care products, such as hair dryers and curling irons, previously targeted the US and Western Europe markets.浙江省宁波市家电制造商浙江月立电器有限公司销售总监李立中表示,该公司的个人护理产品(如吹风机和卷发棒)此前主要销往美国和西欧市场。"However, our exports to these traditional markets have been impacted by the US tariff hike and the Russia-Ukraine conflict in recent years," he said, adding that the company has launched more intelligent, eco-friendly home appliances to expand into markets in Central and Eastern Europe, and economies participating in the Belt and Road Initiative.他说:“但近年来,我们面向这些传统市场的出口受到了美国关税上调和俄乌冲突的影响。”他补充道,公司已推出更多智能、环保的家电产品,以拓展中东欧市场以及参与“一带一路”倡议的经济体市场。Data from Ningbo Customs showed that Zhejiang Yueli's hair dryer exports reached 602 million yuan ($82.4 million) in 2024, marking a 6.3 percent year-on-year increase, while the company's exports in this category to Central and Eastern Europe totaled 45.46 million yuan, up 39.2 percent compared with 2023.据宁波海关数据显示,2024年,浙江月立公司的吹风机出口额达6.02亿元人民币(8240万美元),同比增长6.3%,其中面向中东欧市场的出口额为4546万元人民币,较2023年增长39.2%。Li said the increasing penetration of the internet in Central and Eastern Europe has allowed e-commerce to expand at a remarkable pace in countries such as Poland, the Czech Republic and Romania. The company's cross-border e-commerce exports emerged as a key growth driver after it deployed resources in this business segment in the region, he added.李立中表示,由于中东欧地区互联网日益普及,波兰、捷克、罗马尼亚等国的电子商务迅速扩张。他补充道,月立公司在该地区部署资源后,跨境电商出口已成为其关键的增长动力。As China continued to enhance its high-value export portfolio and deepen its market presence in emerging economies, the nation's foreign trade rose 5 percent year-on-year to reach a record high of 43.85 trillion yuan in 2024, according to the General Administration of Customs.据海关总署数据,中国不断优化高价值出口产品的结构,巩固在新兴市场的地位,2024年中国外贸总值达到43.85万亿元人民币,同比增长5%,规模再创历史新高。Meanwhile, China's mechanical and electrical product exports grew 8.7 percent year-on-year, accounting for 59.4 percent of the country's total exports. Last year, the country's EV exports rose 13.1 percent compared with 2023, while its 3D printer exports increased 32.8 percent and industrial robot exports surged 45.2 percent.同时,中国机电产品出口同比增长8.7%,占中国出口总值的59.4%。2024年,中国电动汽车出口同比增长13.1%,3D打印机出口增长32.8%,工业机器人出口增长45.2%。Lan Qingxin, a professor at the School of International Trade and Economics of the University of International Business and Economics in Beijing, said the restructuring of global supply chains and protectionist moves in certain countries have pushed Chinese companies to adapt and leverage their strong manufacturing and technological capabilities.北京对外经济贸易大学国际经济贸易学院教授蓝庆新表示,全球供应链重组、某些国家的保护主义举措,促使中国企业调整并利用自身强大的制造能力和技术能力。By responding innovatively to these changes, the companies can meet market needs in other emerging economies, thereby enhancing their competitiveness and expanding their global presence, said Lan.蓝庆新说,企业通过不断创新来应对这些变化,可以满足其他新兴市场的需求,从而提升竞争力并扩大全球影响力。A Chinese business delegation, organized by the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade, departed on Monday for Kazakhstan to explore new opportunities for economic and trade exchanges.2月10日,由中国国际贸易促进委员会组织的中国经贸代表团赴哈萨克斯坦,探索经贸交流新机遇。During the four-day trip, the delegation, comprising representatives of more than 30 Chinese companies across industries such as petrochemicals and machinery manufacturing, hopes to sign several cooperation agreements and foster mutually beneficial outcomes.本次代表团由来自石油化工、机械制造等领域的30多家中国企业代表组成,开展为期四天的交流活动,希望签署多项合作协议,实现互利共赢。warehousen.货仓,仓库hiken.(价格或费用的大幅)提高,增加