英语新闻丨Beijing increases PE time to foster healthy students

CD Voice - A podcast by China Daily

根据周一发布的官方公告,北京将提高中小学体育教育的时长和质量。Beijing will improve both the duration and quality of physical education in primary and secondary schools, according to an official announcement released on Monday.该公告由北京市教育委员会和北京市体育局联合发布,规定所有中小学生每天至少上一节体育课。高中生每周将有三到五节体育课,在没有体育课的日子里,每天至少进行45分钟的体育锻炼。The announcement, issued jointly by the Beijing Municipal Commission of Education and the Beijing Sports Bureau, mandates that all primary and middle school students take at least one physical education class per day. High school students will have three to five classes per week, with no fewer than 45 minutes of daily physical exercise on days without physical education.这些措施包括八项具体举措,旨在优先考虑学生的健康,并强化体育教育在培养全面发展人才中的价值。The measures include eight specific initiatives aimed at prioritizing students' health and reinforcing the value of physical education in developing well-rounded individuals.此前,北京一、二年级学生每周有四节体育课,三至九年级学生有三节,高中生有两节。Previously, first and second graders in Beijing had four PE classes per week, third to ninth graders had three and high school students had two.“增加体育课时将帮助学生发展运动技能,培养锻炼习惯,提高身体素质和心理健康。”本月成立的北京市学校体育教学指导委员会秘书长刘海元表示。"The increased time will help students develop sports skills, cultivate exercise habits, improve physical fitness and enhance mental well-being," said Liu Haiyuan, secretary-general of the Beijing School Physical Education Teaching Steering Committee, which was established this month.这些措施还概述了课程的变化。中小学必须在必修体育课中至少包含三大球类运动之一。高中应提供这些运动的模块化教学。冰雪运动特色学校应将相关活动纳入教学大纲。The measures also outline changes to the curriculum. Primary and middle schools must include at least one of three major ball sports in their mandatory PE classes. High schools should offer modular instruction in these sports. Schools specializing in ice and snow sports should integrate those activities into their syllabuses.为确保体育教育的有效性,公告强调避免理论课或“不出汗”的课程。学校应鼓励为学生分配足够的活动时间。To ensure effective physical education, the announcement emphasizes the importance of avoiding theoretical or "no-sweat" lessons. Schools are encouraged to allocate sufficient time for active participation.在这些举措下,学生预计在九年义务教育结束时掌握至少两项运动技能。学校还应引入班级级别的体育比赛,以促进参与各种体育活动。Under these initiatives, students are expected to master at least two sports skills by the end of their nine-year compulsory education. Schools should also introduce class-level sports competitions to promote engagement in various athletic activities.这些措施与中国更广泛的教育目标一致。These measures align with China's broader educational goals.今年1月,中共中央和国务院联合发布了2024年至2035年国家教育发展路线图,要求中小学生每天至少进行两小时的体育活动。In January, the Communist Party of China Central Committee and the State Council jointly released a road map for the country's educational development from 2024 to 2035, which calls for primary and middle school students to engage in at least two hours of physical activity per day.作为回应,天津等城市和湖南、河北等省在本学期实施了学生每天至少两小时锻炼的规定。In response, cities such as Tianjin and provinces such as Hunan and Hebei have implemented a minimum of two hours of daily exercise for students this spring semester.自去年秋季以来,北京已将课间休息时间从10分钟调整为15分钟,江苏、湖南等省也将在新学期延长课间休息时间。Beijing has already adjusted class intervals from 10 to 15 minutes since last fall, and other regions, including Jiangsu and Hunan provinces, are extending class intervals in the upcoming semester as well.北京的措施还注重提高教学质量。将为体育教师推出培训计划,并提高他们的薪酬。Beijing's measures also focus on improving the quality of instruction. Training programs will be introduced for PE teachers, and their compensation will be enhanced.公告计划加强体育学校与普通学校之间的合作。体育学校的教练和退役运动员将为学生和体育教师提供专业培训,北京各区每年将举办10多场由冠军领衔的校园体育活动。The announcement plans to strengthen collaboration between sports schools and general schools. Coaches at sports schools and retired athletes will offer specialized training for students and PE teachers, and more than 10 champion-led campus sports events will be held annually across Beijing's districts.今年1月,教育部发布了加强体育教育队伍的新指导方针。学校现在需要保持小学每名教师负责少于五个班级,初中少于六个班级,高中少于八个班级的师生比例。In January, the Ministry of Education issued new guidelines to bolster the physical education workforce. Schools are now required to maintain a class-to-teacher ratio lower than five classes per teacher in primary schools, six in middle schools and eight in high schools.“这八项举措代表了对体育教育更精确的方法,扩大了所有学生的参与。”北京市教育委员会发言人王攀表示。"The eight initiatives represent a more precise approach to physical education, expanding participation to all students," said Wang Pan, spokesperson for the Beijing Municipal Commission of Education.physical education (PE) [ˈfɪzɪkəl ˌɛdʒʊˈkeɪʃən] (n.) 体育教育initiative [ɪˈnɪʃɪətɪv] (n.) 举措,倡议curriculum [kəˈrɪkjʊləm] (n.) 课程compulsory education [kəmˈpʌlsəri ˌɛdʒʊˈkeɪʃən] (n.) 义务教育collaboration [kəˌlæbəˈreɪʃən] (n.) 合作guidelines [ˈɡaɪdlaɪnz] (n.) 指导方针