
CD Voice - A podcast by China Daily

Ne Zha 2, China's box-office sensation, smashed through the key 10 billion yuan ($1.37 billion) mark in ticket receipts on Thursday, including presales and overseas revenue, signaling the vast potential of the domestic cinema industry.中国票房巨作《哪吒2》于周四突破了关键的100亿元人民币(约合13.7亿美元)票房大关,这一数字包括预售和海外收入,显示出国内电影产业的巨大潜力。Since its debut on Jan 29, the film - a sequel to the 2019 top-grossing movie in China Ne Zha - has consistently broken box office records, with audience enthusiasm showing no signs of abating.自1月29日首映以来,这部作为2019年中国票房冠军《哪吒》续集的电影,不断打破票房纪录,观众的热情丝毫未减。Its latest achievement saw it leap ahead of Hollywood blockbuster The Super Mario Bros. Movie to become the world's third highest-grossing animated movie.其最新成就使其超越了好莱坞大片《超级马里奥兄弟大电影》,成为全球票房第三高的动画电影。It also makes Ne Zha 2 the 17th highest-grossing film in global cinematic history. This production is the first non-Hollywood movie to be part of the top 30 list.这也使《哪吒2》成为全球电影史上票房第17高的电影。该作品是首部进入前30名的非好莱坞电影。Directed by Yang Yu, better known as Jiaozi, the film employs a bold and innovative narrative to reinterpret the titular character, a renowned figure in Chinese mythology.该片由杨宇(艺名饺子)执导,采用大胆创新的叙事方式重新诠释了这位中国神话中的著名角色。The mythology surrounding Nezha spread across China in the wake of the arrival of Buddhism. Studies of Buddhist literature from the Tang Dynasty (618-907) have found that Nezha was depicted as the third son of one of the four Heavenly Kings of Buddhism.围绕哪吒的神话随着佛教的传入在中国广泛传播。对唐代(618-907年)佛教文献的研究发现,哪吒被描绘为佛教四大天王之一的第三子。In Buddhist works, Nezha often appears together with his father, carrying a magical miniature pagoda. His duty is to help him ward off evil spirits, and protect people.在佛教作品中,哪吒经常与父亲一起出现,手持一座神奇的微型宝塔。他的职责是帮助父亲驱邪避灾,保护人民。Also depicted as a mischievous celestial being in the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644) novel Fengshen Yanyi (The Investiture of the Gods), the character evolved into a heroic figure who fights against feudal patriarchy in the 1979 classic animated film Nezha Conquers the Dragon King.在明代(1368-1644年)小说《封神演义》中,哪吒也被描绘成一个调皮的天神,而在1979年的经典动画电影《哪吒闹海》中,他演变成一个反抗封建父权的英雄形象。In the 2019 film, the character's traditional image was subverted with an unconventional design — a child sporting dark circles under his eyes and a gap-toothed smile. Through humor and unexpected twists, the movie captivated audiences by recounting an unlikely hero who fights his unfair fate. This year's sequel has adhered to the familiar formula but expanded upon it, delving into a deeper and broader theme and resulting in all characters possessing profound personalities.在2019年的电影中,这一角色的传统形象被颠覆,采用了非常规的设计——一个孩子,眼下有黑眼圈,咧嘴一笑露出牙缝。通过幽默和意想不到的转折,这部电影讲述了一个与不公命运抗争的另类英雄,吸引了观众。今年的续集延续了熟悉的套路,但进行了扩展,深入探讨了更深更广的主题,使所有角色都具有深刻的个性。Yang Chenxi, a 17-year-old senior middle school student from Huzhou, Zhejiang province, resonated with the spirit of the movie. She watched Ne Zha five times and Ne Zha 2 once during the Spring Festival holiday.来自浙江省湖州市的17岁高三学生杨晨曦(音译)与这部电影的精神产生了共鸣。她在春节期间看了五遍《哪吒》,看了一遍《哪吒2》。"There might be a similarity between Nezha and me. We both care how other people see us," she says. "This version of Nezha is different from the typical storyline of a divine being reincarnated to save others and himself. Instead, it begins with Nezha as an underestimated demon who gradually proves himself, defying fate to start anew."她说:"哪吒和我可能有相似之处。我们都在乎别人怎么看我们。这个版本的哪吒不同于天神转世拯救他人和自己的典型故事情节。相反,它从哪吒作为一个被低估的恶魔开始,逐渐证明自己,反抗命运,重新开始。"According to Maoyan Pro, a leading industry tracker, the movie is projected to exceed 16 billion yuan in total box office earnings.根据领先的行业追踪平台猫眼专业版的数据,该片预计总票房将超过160亿元人民币。Lai Li, an analyst with Maoyan Pro, said that it is a historic moment to witness Ne Zha 2 becoming China's first film to gross over 10 billion yuan in the global market.猫眼专业版分析师赖丽(音译)表示,见证《哪吒2》成为中国首部在全球市场票房超过100亿元的电影,这是一个历史性时刻。Ne Zha 2 was released in Australia, New Zealand, Fiji and Papua New Guinea on Thursday, one day ahead of its release in the US and Canada.《哪吒2》于周四在澳大利亚、新西兰、斐济和巴布亚新几内亚上映,比在美国和加拿大上映提前一天。Rao Shuguang, president of the China Film Critics Association, attributed the box office achievement of the film to its incorporation of Chinese mythology with modern expressions.中国电影评论学会会长饶曙光将这部电影的票房成绩归功于其将中国神话与现代表达相结合。He also pointed out the success proves the global appeal of Chinese stories, but the industry still needs more diversified themes and mechanism to cultivate talents.他还指出,这一成功证明了中国故事的全球吸引力,但该行业仍需要更多元化的主题和机制来培养人才。Lynn Wu, a 43-year-old Chinese mother of two residing in Brisbane, told China Daily that Ne Zha 2 has ignited widespread enthusiasm within the Chinese community.43岁的中国母亲吴琳恩(音译)居住在布里斯班,她告诉《中国日报》,《哪吒2》在中国社区引发了广泛热情。"We are incredibly proud that China has produced such a visually stunning and captivating animated film. Almost everyone on my WeChat moments is discussing plans to visit theaters and watch this movie," she added.她补充说:"我们非常自豪中国能制作出如此视觉震撼、引人入胜的动画电影。我微信朋友圈里的几乎每个人都在讨论去电影院看这部电影的计划。"