
CD Voice - A podcast by China Daily

Fans of record-breaking blockbuster Chinese movie Ne Zha 2 are making significant waves in the derivatives market, clearing out retailer inventories and even creating DIY character-shaped dolls and food items. 中国破纪录票房大片《哪吒2》的粉丝们在衍生品市场掀起巨大波澜,清空了零售商的库存,甚至自制角色玩偶和食品。 Since the film's debut on the first day of the Chinese New Year, which was Jan 29 this year, sales of its collectibles, ranging from mystery toy boxes and cards to fridge magnets and badges, have reportedly topped 50 million yuan ($6.97 million) on Taobao, a leading e-commerce platform in China. 自今年1月29日(农历新年第一天)上映以来,据报道,其衍生品在淘宝(中国领先的电商平台)上的销售额已突破5000万元人民币(约合697万美元),包括盲盒玩具、卡片、冰箱贴和徽章等。 This sequel to the 2019 hit Ne Zha, with inspirations derived from Chinese mythological tales, has already drawn over 200 million cinema-goers, the highest number in the country's film history. 作为2019年爆款电影《哪吒》的续集,这部取材于中国神话故事的影片已吸引超过2亿观影人次,创下中国电影史上的最高纪录。 The film became an instant holiday box office hit thanks to its contemporary re-imagination of Ne Zha, a well-known mythical figure with extraordinary powers, and via its intriguing plot twists. 这部电影通过对哪吒这一拥有非凡力量的著名神话人物的现代重塑以及引人入胜的剧情转折,迅速成为春节档票房爆款。 Customers inquiring about toys featuring characters from the film are often left disappointed at stores across China. A salesperson at a trendy toy store in downtown Nanjing in East China's Jiangsu province said even display samples were sold out. "We expect to restock items like laser cards later." 在中国各地的商店,询问电影角色玩具的顾客常常失望而归。江苏省南京市市中心一家潮流玩具店的销售人员表示,甚至连展示样品都已售罄。“我们预计稍后会补货激光卡片等商品。” Notably, Hunan Sunny & Sandy Toys Manufacturer Co Ltd, the film's sole licensed manufacturer of 3D food-grade plastic toys in China, reported sales of over 450,000 mystery toy box sets through live-streaming in just 11 days -- ranking first in terms of the sales of board-game merchandise on the video platform. In addition, more than 10 million of these sets have been sold through offline partnerships. 值得注意的是,湖南阳光与沙地玩具制造有限公司(该片在中国唯一授权的3D食品级塑料玩具制造商)报告称,仅11天通过直播销售了超过45万套盲盒玩具,在视频平台的桌游类商品销售中排名第一。此外,通过线下合作伙伴销售了超过1000万套。 Yang Zhenlin, assistant to the company's chairman, said their factory workshops had to resume operations ahead of schedule after the Spring Festival holiday, with their hundreds of staff members working tirelessly to replenish inventory. "We had great confidence in the film even before its release, so we promptly secured the copyright," Yang told Xinhua. 该公司董事长助理杨振林表示,春节假期后,工厂车间不得不提前复工,数百名员工加班加点补充库存。“我们在电影上映前就对其充满信心,因此迅速获得了版权。”杨振林对新华社表示。 This week, on e-commerce platforms, some stores have gradually restored supplies. Businesses in the second-hand market have remained brisk. 本周,在电商平台上,部分商店已逐步恢复供应。二手市场的交易依然活跃。 Fans have also discovered that the gold bracelets they had purchased after the first Ne Zha film came out in 2019, with designs inspired by the "universe ring" on Ne zha's arm, have tripled in value on the second-hand market, thanks to both the success of Ne Zha 2 and a higher gold price. 粉丝们还发现,他们在2019年第一部《哪吒》电影上映后购买的金手镯,其设计灵感来自哪吒手臂上的“乾坤圈”,由于《哪吒2》的成功和金价上涨,在二手市场上的价值已翻了三倍。 Some fans have gone so far as to make their own versions of it, using wood, plasticine, flour and even thread. Coinciding with the Lantern Festival on Feb 12, netizens shared creative improvisations of Ne Zha-shaped glutinous rice dumplings, a festive food. 一些粉丝甚至用木头、橡皮泥、面粉甚至线自制了哪吒角色。2月12日元宵节当天,网友们分享了以哪吒为灵感的创意汤圆,这是一种节日食品。 Miao Lingyi, a 10-year-old girl living in East China's Shanghai, expressed her admiration for the character Ao Bing, the son of the Dragon King, stating her desire to use her pocket money to buy a collectible featuring him. "I really love the character and I don't mind waiting a while for the collectible," she said. 居住在上海市的10岁女孩缪灵怡(音译)表达了对龙王之子敖丙这一角色的喜爱,并表示希望用零花钱购买相关收藏品。“我真的很喜欢这个角色,我不介意等一段时间再买到收藏品。”她说。 According to experts, the film's huge success stemming from its captivating plot and stunning special effects, has evoked emotional attachment and resonance with characters among its audiences, while some related products feature limited edition designs -- thereby enhancing their value as collectibles and stimulating consumer purchasing enthusiasm. 专家表示,这部电影的巨大成功源于其引人入胜的剧情和震撼的特效,激发了观众对角色的情感共鸣,而一些相关产品采用限量版设计,从而提升了其收藏价值,刺激了消费者的购买热情。 Ye Guofu, founder of MINISO, a Chinese retailer known for its fashionable but affordable household products, said that Chinese consumers' growing focus on emotional value attached to commodities, particularly among the younger generations, is expected to further drive the consumption of IP-featured products, such as those related to domestic animated films and games. 名创优品(以时尚且价格实惠的家居产品闻名的中国零售商)创始人叶国富表示,中国消费者对商品情感价值的日益关注,尤其是在年轻一代中,预计将进一步推动IP衍生品的消费,例如与国产动画电影和游戏相关的产品。 With this lucrative market rapidly expanding, experts have stressed the importance of both IP innovation and product quality, while warning against risks of market irregularities and intellectual property rights violations. 随着这一利润丰厚的市场迅速扩张,专家强调了IP创新和产品质量的重要性,同时警告市场乱象和知识产权侵权的风险。 Law professor Zheng Ning with Communication University of China suggested that market regulators strengthen oversight to combat potential price gouging and the sale of substandard products -- thereby ensuring a more orderly market environment. 中国传媒大学法学教授郑宁建议,市场监管部门应加强监管,打击哄抬价格和销售劣质产品的行为,从而确保更有序的市场环境。 Zhao Liangshan, a lawyer in Northwest China's Shaanxi province, cautioned that handcrafted items made for personal use are not allowed for commercial purposes. 陕西省律师赵良山(音译)提醒,个人手工制作的物品不得用于商业用途。 As Ne Zha 2 enters international markets, Hunan Sunny & Sandy Toys Manufacturer Co Ltd aims to target global markets -- particularly in Asia, North America and Europe. 随着《哪吒2》进入国际市场,湖南阳光与沙地玩具制造有限公司计划瞄准全球市场,特别是亚洲、北美和欧洲。 The film is set to be screened in various countries, including the United States, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, Egypt, Singapore, Japan and the Republic of Korea, with premieres in Los Angeles and Sydney having received positive responses from professionals and fans alike. 该片将在多个国家上映,包括美国、加拿大、澳大利亚、新西兰、南非、埃及、新加坡、日本和韩国,洛杉矶和悉尼的首映式已获得专业人士和粉丝的积极反响。