CD Voice - A podcast by China Daily

Propelled by enthusiasm from fans domestically as well as overseas, Ne Zha 2, China's box office champion, has made history by surpassing Pixar's blockbuster Inside Out 2 to become the world's highest-grossing animated film of all time.凭借国内外影迷的热情支持,中国电影票房冠军《哪吒2》一举超越皮克斯大片《头脑特工队2》,成为全球票房最高的动画电影,成功创造历史。As of Tuesday evening, 20 days after the movie's premiere on the first day of the Spring Festival holiday, which is the country's most lucrative box office season, Ne Zha 2 has earned 12.35 billion yuan ($1.69 billion), including presales and revenue from overseas markets such as North America and Australia.截至2月18日晚,即该片在春节假期第一天首映后的第20天(春节假期是中国票房收益最高的电影档期),《哪吒2》票房已达123.5亿元人民币(16.9亿美元),包括预售和北美、澳大利亚等海外市场的票房。The movie has also risen to become the world's eighth highest-grossing film and is the sole non-Hollywood film on the top 10 list, according to industry trackers Maoyan Pro and Beacon.据行业追踪机构猫眼专业版和灯塔的数据显示,该片还跃升至全球票房总榜第8名,并且是票房前十榜单中唯一一部非好莱坞电影。As the sequel to the 2019 runaway hit Ne Zha, the movie continues to use a subverted way to narrate the legend of its titular character, a 3-year-old deity who rides on flaming wheels and wields a red ribbon to harness his superpowers. The film has garnered widespread acclaim for portraying the character as someone who bravely fights an unfair fate and pursues his own path.作为2019年热门电影《哪吒》的续集,该片继续采用颠覆性方式讲述同名主人公哪吒的传奇故事。哪吒年仅三岁,脚踏风火轮、身披混天绫,而且拥有超能力。该片因塑造了哪吒这一勇于反抗不公命运、追求自我道路的角色而广受赞誉。Widely regarded as representing the pinnacle of Chinese animation, the movie took five years to produce, and involved over 4,000 animators from 138 companies who created more than 1,900 visual-effect shots.这部电影被广泛认为是中国动画的巅峰之作,耗时五年制作完成,共有来自138家公司的4000多名动画师参与,创作了1900多个视觉特效镜头。Lu Shengzhang, the former dean of Communication University of China's Department of Animation and Comics, told China Daily that the film, loosely inspired by the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644) classic Fengshen Yanyi (Investiture of the Gods), shows that the country's rich history and culture can serve as a gold mine to inspire further appealing movie stories.中国传媒大学动画学院前院长路盛章接受《中国日报》采访时表示,该片大致受到明代(1368-1644年)经典作品《封神演义》的启发,这表明中国丰富的历史文化是一座宝库,可以激发创作更多引人入胜的电影故事。Evita Mei, a Chinese immigrant in Tauranga, a city on New Zealand's North Island, told China Daily that she took her teenage son to watch the film, and that most of her neighbors and friends in the Chinese community have a sense of national pride.新西兰北岛陶朗加市的一位中国移民伊维塔·梅告诉《中国日报》,她带着十几岁的儿子去看了这部电影,而且她所在华人社区的大多数邻居和朋友都表现出民族自豪感。Some families see the film as a way to enhance youngsters' understanding of Chinese mythology and literature.一些家庭想通过这部电影,增强孩子们对中国神话和文学的理解。Melina Weber, a German citizen who is living in Beijing, said that Ne Zha 2 was the only film she watched during the Spring Festival holiday, adding that she was impressed by the movie's presentation of Chinese culture in various ways, such as showcasing local food and beautiful landscapes.居住在北京的德国公民梅莉娜·韦伯表示,《哪吒2》是她在春节期间观看的唯一一部电影,并补充说,她对这部电影以多种方式展现中国文化印象深刻,比如对当地美食和美景的呈现。investituren.授职典礼;授权仪式