
China Daily Podcast - A podcast by China Daily

Central authorities on Friday relaxed restrictions to allow residents in selected areas of Guangdong province to visit Hong Kong and Macao more frequently, just in time for the peak travel season.11月29日,中央政府决定放宽限制,允许广东省部分地区的居民更频繁地前往香港和澳门,正好赶上旅游旺季。This decision has been welcomed by various sectors in the two special administrative regions as a boon to tourist spending.这一决定有利于促进游客消费,受到两个特别行政区各界的欢迎。Starting on Sunday, travel permits will be reinstated, enabling residents of Shenzhen to visit Hong Kong as often as they wish each year, with a maximum stay of seven days per visit, according to a statement from the National Immigration Administration.根据中华人民共和国出入境管理局的声明,自12月1日起,深圳居民可以申请办理赴香港旅游“一签多行”签注,在1年内可不限次数往来香港地区,每次在香港逗留不超过7天。Beginning in January, residents of the Guangdong-Macao In-Depth Cooperation Zone in Hengqin will also be eligible to apply for a similar multiple-entry permit for Macao. Residents of Zhuhai will then be able to obtain permits allowing them to visit Macao up to once a week for a maximum of seven days.自今年1月起,横琴粤澳深度合作区居民也可以申请办理类似的赴澳门旅游“一签多行”签注;珠海市居民可申请办理赴澳门旅游“一周一行”签注,每周可前往澳门一次,每次逗留不超过7天。In response, Macao's police force on Friday pledged to improve border crossing efficiency, noting that these measures would solidify Macao's status as a global tourism and leisure center while promoting regional integration.对此,澳门治安警察局29日承诺将提升通关效率,并指出这些措施将巩固澳门作为全球旅游休闲中心的地位,促进区域一体化。Meanwhile, a spokesperson for the Hong Kong SAR expressed gratitude to the central government for the policy change.同时,香港特区政府发言人对中央政府的政策调整表示感谢。The spokesperson said this development is expected to boost the tourism, dining and retail sectors in the SAR.发言人表示,这一发展将惠及香港旅游业、餐饮业和零售业的发展。The new arrangements also allow individuals without hukou (household registration documents) but who hold Shenzhen residence permits to obtain multiple-entry travel permits. An official estimate indicates that the expansion will increase the number of eligible Shenzhen residents for multiple-entry permits to over 10 million.新政策还允许没有户口但持有深圳居住证的个人获得多次入境旅游许可。据官方估计,扩大后符合多次往返签注条件的深圳居民人数将超过1000万。In 2009, the central government introduced a policy allowing Shenzhen residents to visit Hong Kong as often as desired within a one-year validity period as part of an initiative to support the global financial hub during the financial crisis at that time.2009年,中央政府出台了一项政策,允许深圳居民在一年有效期内任意访问香港,作为当时金融危机期间支持全球金融中心举措的一部分。However, the influx of mainland travelers quickly overwhelmed entry and exit checkpoints and urban centers, straining relations with locals. Some Shenzhen residents even exploited the permits for illicit smuggling activities, leading authorities to cap such crossings to once a week in 2015.然而,大量内地游客的涌入很快就使出入境检查站和城市中心不堪重负,与当地居民的关系也变得紧张起来。一些深圳居民甚至利用这一通行许可进行非法走私活动,导致当局在2015年将此类过境限制为每周一次。The relaxation almost a decade later has been hailed by many as a "cardiac stimulant" for local businesses, with numerous observers recognizing the vital role that mainland consumers play in helping the business sector navigate challenging times.近十年后的今天,这种政策放宽被许多人誉为当地企业的“强心剂”,许多观察家认识到,内地消费者在帮助商业部门渡过难关方面发挥着至关重要的作用。Peter Shiu Ka-fai, a Hong Kong legislator representing the wholesale and retail sector, told local media that the consumption patterns of mainland tourists have evolved over the years, and they are more inclined to explore various areas in depth rather than merely visiting established attractions, requiring local businesses to adapt accordingly.香港立法会批发及零售界议员邵家辉向当地媒体表示,经过多年演变,内地游客的消费模式更倾向于深入探索各个地区,而不仅仅是游览已有的景点,这就要求本地企业做出相应调整。This relaxation of restrictions coincides with Hong Kong's efforts to attract more visitors through hosting concerts, exhibitions and other mega-events. Officials, including Hong Kong SAR Chief Executive John Lee Ka-chiu, have sought the central authority's support to restore the previous travel policy to facilitate these plans.放宽限制的同时,香港正在努力通过举办演唱会、展览和其他大型活动来吸引更多游客。包括香港特区行政长官李家超在内的官员已寻求中央政府的支持,以恢复之前的旅游政策,促进这些计划的实施。Now with the relaxation just a few days away, Hong Kong SAR Chief Secretary for Administration Eric Chan Kwok-ki instructed all departments at an internal conference on Thursday to collaborate and ensure the smooth operation of ports, tourism facilities and public transport to enhance travel experiences.28日,距离新政策实施仅有几天时,香港特区政务司司长陈国基在内部会议上指示各部门通力合作,确保港口、旅游设施和公共交通顺畅运行,以提升旅游体验。Dennis Lam Shun-chiu, a Hong Kong deputy to the National People's Congress — the country's top legislature — said that this reinstatement is timely. He noted that various tourist-drawing events, including drone shows, fireworks displays, concerts and the New Year's countdown, are just around the corner.全国人大代表林顺潮表示,恢复这一规定非常及时。他指出,无人机表演、烟花表演、演唱会和新年倒计时等各种吸引游客的活动即将到来。Since early this year, many restrictions have been eased to provide mainland residents with increased flexibility when visiting Hong Kong and Macao.今年年初以来,许多限制措施已经放宽,为内地居民前往香港和澳门提供了更大的灵活性。Notably, 10 new cities across the nation have been added to the existing list of locations whose residents can now visit Hong Kong and Macao without the need to join tour groups. Additionally, the duty-free allowance for mainland residents returning from Hong Kong has been raised.值得注意的是,全国新增10个城市的居民现无需参加旅行团即可前往香港和澳门旅游。此外,内地居民从香港返回内地的免税额也有所提高。The Chinese General Chamber of Commerce, Hong Kong, on Friday recommended that Hong Kong authorities promote payment methods favored by mainland consumers, such as electronic payments and the digital RMB, and suggested exempting fees for cross-border transactions to encourage spending.29日,香港中华总商会建议香港当局推广内地消费者喜爱的支付方式,如电子支付和数字人民币,并建议推出免手续费跨境汇款以鼓励消费。Peng Peng, executive president of the Guangdong Society of Reform, said that the new travel policies related to Macao are highly beneficial for Hengqin's real estate sector, which is close to Macao.广东省体制改革研究会执行会长彭澎表示,有关澳门的新旅游政策对邻近澳门的横琴房地产业大有裨益。"The new permit policy will attract talent to Hengqin and play a key role in promoting the integrated development of Macao and Hengqin," Peng said.“新的通行政策将吸引人才到横琴发展,对促进澳门和横琴的融合发展发挥了重要作用。”彭澎说。cardiac stimulant强心剂Guangdong-Macao In-Depth Cooperation Zone横琴粤澳深度合作区peak travel season旅游旺季