
CD Voice - A podcast by China Daily

China's continued support for the private sector, reiterated by President Xi Jinping, is expected to fuel further growth of tech and emerging industries, while promoting private enterprises to embrace another spring and play a bigger role in the country's economic transformation, company executives and economists said on Tuesday.2月18日,公司高管和经济学家表示,中国国家主席习近平重申要持续支持民营企业,这将进一步推动科技和新兴产业的发展,同时民营企业也将迎来又一个“春天”,在中国经济转型中发挥更大作用。Their comments came after Xi, who is also general secretary of the Communist Party of China Central Committee and chairman of the Central Military Commission, attended a symposium on private enterprises in Beijing and delivered an important speech on Monday.2月17日,中共中央总书记、国家主席、中央军委主席习近平在京出席民营企业座谈会并发表重要讲话。座谈会后,公司高管和经济学家发表了上述评论。In his speech, Xi emphasized the role of private enterprises in advancing China's broader goals in technological innovation, promoting rural vitalization and improving people's well-being.习近平在讲话中强调,民营企业在加快实现技术创新、乡村振兴、改善民生等国家远景目标方面发挥着重要作用。Xu Guanju, chairman of Transfar Group, a leading chemicals manufacturer, said in an interview with China Daily on Tuesday that while the breakthroughs made by Chinese artificial intelligence companies made them immensely proud and boosted their confidence in facing future challenges, the encouragement from China's top leadership was even more inspiring.2月18日,化工巨头传化集团董事长徐冠巨接受《中国日报》采访时表示,中国人工智能公司的突破让他们感到无比自豪,为他们更加信心满怀地应对未来挑战加了一把劲,而中国最高领导层的鼓励更让他们备受鼓舞。"It has greatly motivated us to work together to accelerate the development of new quality productive forces in the future, and embrace the AI era," said Xu, who attended the symposium on Monday.2月17日,徐冠巨在参加座谈会后说道:“这极大地激励了我们携手共进,加快发展新质生产力,积极拥抱AI时代。”The gathering saw a strong presence of companies from technology and emerging sectors, with notable names including Huawei's Ren Zhengfei, BYD's Wang Chuanfu, Will Semiconductor's Yu Renrong, Unitree Robotics' Wang Xingxing and Xiaomi's Lei Jun.此次座谈会汇聚了众多科技和新兴行业的公司代表,包括华为技术有限公司首席执行官任正非、比亚迪股份有限公司董事长王传福、上海韦尔半导体股份有限公司董事长虞仁荣、杭州宇树科技有限公司首席执行官王兴兴、小米科技有限责任公司董事长雷军等知名企业家。Zhang Jun, chief economist at China Galaxy Securities, noted that some of the private enterprises that attended the symposium are not big in terms of business scale or revenue, but have strong growth potential.中国银河证券首席经济学家章俊指出,参加座谈会的部分民营企业虽然没有庞大的业务规模或高收入,但具有强大的增长潜力。"It reaffirmed private enterprises' past breakthroughs in new quality productive forces, while highlighting the government's determination to cultivate future industries," Zhang said.章俊表示:“这既肯定了过去民企在新质生产力相关领域的技术突破,又凸显了政府对培育未来产业的决心。”Observers said the participation of private enterprises from both traditional and emerging sectors showed the continuous emphasis China's top leadership places on the role of the manufacturing industry in the Chinese economy.观察人士称,传统行业和新兴行业的民营企业均参加了此次座谈会,表明中国最高领导层持续重视制造业在中国经济中的作用。Liu Yonghao, founder of New Hope Group, a leading enterprise in agricultural industrialization, told China Daily on Tuesday that technology not only flourishes in high-end manufacturing and AI sectors, but also drives innovative growth in traditional sectors such as agriculture.2月18日,农业产业化龙头企业新希望集团创始人刘永好接受《中国日报》采访时表示,技术发展不仅在高端制造、人工智能等方面取得成绩,也推动了农业等传统行业的创新增长。"Inspired by the top leadership's remarks, our company will capitalize on favorable policies and make efforts to propel further growth amid complex challenges," said Liu, who also attended the symposium.参加本次座谈会的刘永好说:“最高领导层的讲话让我们备受启发,我们公司会利用国家的好政策,在复杂局面下继续努力拼搏,推动企业更好地发展。”Recalling that the previous such symposium on private enterprises, which was presided over by President Xi in 2018, was followed by a three-year bull run in China's A-share market, Zhang, from China Galaxy Securities, said that Monday's meeting will "help enhance the confidence of market entities, dispel concerns about uncertainty and play a decisive role in stabilizing the market".中国银河证券首席经济学家章俊回忆,上一次由习近平主席主持的同等规格民营企业座谈会在2018年,会后中国A股市场迎来了时长3年的牛市。他表示,2月17日的座谈会将“有助于提振市场主体的信心,打消对不确定性的疑虑,对于稳定市场起到一锤定音的效果”。Xu Hongcai, a renowned economist and deputy head of the financial and economic affairs committee of the National People's Congress, said that Xi's remarks "conveyed a clear signal that even with the changing and volatile economic and trade policies of some foreign countries, China remains focused on high-quality economic development as always".著名经济学家、全国人大财政经济委员会副主任委员许宏才表示,习近平的讲话“传递了一个明确信号,即在其他国家经贸政策风云变幻的情况下,中国一如既往集中精力于高质量经济发展”。At Monday's symposium, Xi said the government's basic principles and policies concerning the development of the private economy have been incorporated into the system of socialism with Chinese characteristics and will consistently be upheld and fulfilled. "They cannot and will not be changed," he said.2月17日,习近平在座谈会上表示,政府对民营经济发展的基本方针政策已经纳入中国特色社会主义制度体系,将一以贯之坚持和落实。他表示:“这些不能变,也不会变。”This was in line with Xi's remarks at the 2018 symposium, during which he said the country would unswervingly encourage, support and guide the development of the nonpublic sector and support private enterprises to develop toward a broader stage.这与习近平在2018年座谈会上的讲话相呼应,当时他表示,国家将毫不动摇地鼓励、支持、引导非公有制经济发展,支持民营企业走向更加广阔的舞台。The stance was reaffirmed at the 2022 Central Economic Work Conference, which emphasized that promoting the private sector's growth is a "long-term strategy", rather than a short-term measure.2022年召开的中央经济工作会议再次明确这一立场,强调促进民营经济发展是“长期战略”,而非短期措施。In 2023, during the two sessions, the annual meetings of China's top legislative and political advisory bodies, Xi emphasized that the Party encouraged private enterprises and entrepreneurs to let go of their concerns and burdens and boldly pursue their development.2023年两会(中国最高立法机关和中国政治协商机构年度会议)期间,习近平强调,党鼓励民营企业和民营企业家消除顾虑,放下包袱,大胆发展。Xu, the renowned economist, said: "These instances show that China's reform policies are continuous and stable. A stable policy and a good business environment will further enhance private enterprises' confidence, consistently attract more foreign investment and promote sustained economic growth."著名经济学家许宏才表示:“这些事例表明,中国的改革政策是连续的、稳定的。稳定的政策和良好的营商环境将进一步提升民营企业的信心,将一以贯之吸引更多外商投资,促进经济的持续增长。”As of the end of September last year, China had over 55 million registered private companies, accounting for 92.3 percent of all businesses. They contribute more than half of the country's tax revenue, over 60 percent of GDP and over 80 percent of urban employment.截至2024年9月底,中国登记在册民营企业数量超过5500万户,占全国企业总量的92.3%。民营经济贡献了全国50%以上的税收、60%以上的国内生产总值、80%以上的城镇劳动就业。In recent years, the role of the private sector has become increasingly pivotal in driving technological innovations. For example, the rise of AI startup DeepSeek and its advanced large language model, Huawei's breakthroughs in domestically developed chips and operating systems, and Unitree Robotics' humanoid robots, which staged a dance with festive vibes at this year's China Media Group Spring Festival Gala on Chinese New Year's Eve.近年来,民营企业在驱动技术创新方面发挥着越来越重要的作用。例如,人工智能初创企业DeepSeek及其先进的大型语言模型崛起,华为在国产芯片和操作系统方面取得突破,以及宇树科技人形机器人今年除夕夜亮相,在央视春晚舞台上表演了充满节日氛围的舞蹈。Zhou Mi, a senior researcher at the Chinese Academy of International Trade and Economic Cooperation, said the latest efforts of the top leadership will further bolster policies.中国商务部国际贸易经济合作研究院高级研究员周密表示,最高领导层的最新努力将进一步推动政策落实。A package of policies is expected to be accelerated, which includes a law to promote the private sector, measures to advance mixed ownership reforms and efforts to encourage private enterprises to go global, he said.他预计,一系列政策将加快落地,包括推进民营经济促进法立法进程、推动混合所有制改革以及鼓励民营企业“走出去”。humanoidn.人形机器人;类人的生物