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The United Nations said on Tuesday that it rejects any aggression against Syrian sovereignty and violations of its territorial integrity, while Israel said it was establishing a "sterile defense zone" in southern Syria after carrying out more than 350 strikes in 48 hours.12月10日,联合国表示,反对任何侵犯叙利亚主权和破坏其领土完整的行为。而在48小时内实施了350多次袭击后,以色列表示正在叙利亚南部建立一个“无菌防御区”。Stephane Dujarric, spokesman for UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres, said at a news conference that Syria's "turning point" should not be used by its neighbors to encroach upon its territory, and should instead be used by all those in the region to support the Syrian people.联合国秘书长古特雷斯的发言人迪雅里克在新闻发布会上表示,近期局势变化是叙利亚面临的“转折点”,周边邻国不应趁机侵占叙利亚领土,而该地区的所有人应在此时支持叙利亚人民。Dujarric said they were very clear about the violation of the 1974 disengagement agreement following the Israel Defense Forces' occupation of the buffer zone. In 1967, Israel occupied most of the Golan Heights during the Middle East war and later annexed the territory. This was never recognized by the international community.迪雅里克强调,联合国非常清楚以色列国防军占领缓冲区违反了1974年签订的脱离接触协议。1967年,以色列在第三次中东战争中占领戈兰高地部分地区,后将这一被占领土兼并。国际社会不承认以色列对这一地区的主权。Meanwhile, Geir Pedersen, the UN special envoy for Syria, told journalists in Geneva on Tuesday that the conflict in northeastern Syria is not over as there have been clashes between the Syrian National Army, the opposition groups and the Syrian Democratic Forces.与此同时,联合国秘书长叙利亚问题特使裴凯儒10日在瑞士日内瓦表示,叙利亚东北部的冲突尚未结束,叙利亚国民军、反对派团体和叙利亚民主力量之间持续发生冲突。"We are calling obviously for calm also in this area," Pedersen said.裴凯儒说:“我们呼吁该地区保持冷静。”In addition, Israeli troop movements into the occupied Golan Heights and bombardments "need to stop", he said. "The message from New York is just the same — that what we are seeing is a violation of the disengagement agreement in 1974."此外,裴凯儒表示,以色列军队进入被占戈兰高地并进行轰炸的行为“必须停止”。他说:“联合国发出的信息是一样的——我们所看到的是对1974年脱离接触协议的违反。”In a post on X, the Israel Defense Forces reported striking most of what it claimed were the strategic weapons stockpiles in Syria in 48 hours "to prevent them from falling into the hands of terrorist elements".以色列国防军在社交平台X上发帖称,过去48小时内在叙利亚实施的袭击,击中了叙利亚大部分战略武器库,“以防止它们落入恐怖分子之手”。Among the actions were more than 350 airstrikes. A "wide range of targets" included antiaircraft batteries, Syrian Air Force airfields and dozens of alleged weapons production sites in Damascus, Homs, Tartus, Latakia and Palmyra.以军的行动包括350多次空袭。袭击目标广泛,包括大马士革、霍姆斯、塔尔图斯、拉塔基亚和巴尔米拉的机场、防空炮台以及一些武器生产基地。Syria's naval operations were also targeted, including the Al-Bayda port and the Latakia port, where 15 Syrian naval vessels were hit.叙利亚海军也遭到袭击,其中包括位于米奈特贝达湾和拉塔基亚港的15艘叙利亚海军舰艇。Pedersen said Syria is still in a very "fluid" period, adding that there is a real opportunity for change, but it needs to be grasped by the Syrians themselves and supported by the UN and the international community.裴凯儒表示,叙利亚仍处于一个非常“不稳定”的时期。这是一个真正的变革机会,但这个机会需要叙利亚人自己把握,并得到联合国和国际社会的支持。Abu Mohammad Al-Jolani, leader of the opposition group Hayat Tahrir al-Sham that led the rebel offensive and wrested control of Syria, told CNN that their goal had been to overthrow Syria's longtime president Bashar al-Assad.领导叛军攻势并夺取叙利亚控制权的反对派组织——沙姆解放组织的领导人阿布·穆罕默德·乔拉尼告诉CNN,他们的目标是推翻长期执政的叙利亚总统巴沙尔·阿萨德的政权。Syria's caretaker Prime Minister Mohamed al-Bashir called for stability and calm amid a leadership change.叙利亚过渡政府领导人穆罕默德·巴希尔呼吁在领导层更迭之际维持稳定和平静。On Wednesday, Iran's Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei said the toppling of Assad was the result of a plan by the United States and Israel.11日,伊朗最高领袖阿亚图拉·阿里 ·哈梅内伊表示,阿萨德政权被推翻是美国和以色列共同策划的结果。"What happened in Syria was mainly planned in the command rooms of America and Israel. We have evidence of this. A neighboring government of Syria was also involved," Khamenei said in a speech reported by state media, without naming the neighboring country in question.“叙利亚发生的一切主要是在美国和以色列的指挥中心策划的。我们有证据证明这一点。叙利亚的一个邻国政府也参与其中。”哈梅内伊在伊通社报道的讲话中说,但没有点出这个邻国的名字。Dina Yulianti Sulaeman, director of the Indonesia Center for Middle East Studies, told China Daily that Israel, which is "most invested in weakening Syria" because of the latter's historically hostile stance toward it, will not allow Syria to become stable and secure.印度尼西亚中东研究中心主任迪娜·尤利安蒂·苏莱曼告诉《中国日报》,以色列“最想削弱叙利亚”,因为叙利亚历来对以色列持敌对立场,以色列不会允许叙利亚变得稳定和安全。"In recent days, Israel has bombarded Syria, destroying nearly all of Syria's military facilities, effectively leaving the country with no capacity to defend its sovereignty," she said.她表示:“最近几天,以色列轰炸了叙利亚,摧毁了叙利亚几乎所有的军事设施,实际上使叙利亚没有能力捍卫自己的主权。”"The accumulation of Israeli attacks, the collapse of infrastructure safeguarding territorial sovereignty, economic hardships, and internal chaos bring the potential for Syria's balkanization, as long envisioned in Israel's Oded Yinon Plan."“以色列持续的袭击、捍卫领土主权的基础设施的崩溃、经济困难以及内部混乱,都为叙利亚的巴尔干化带来了可能,而这正是以色列的‘伊农计划’长期以来所设想的。”The Oded Yinon Plan refers to a strategy, outlined in a 1982 article by a former Israeli official and scholar, for Israel's expansion in the Middle East and North Africa region.“伊农计划”是指以色列前官员、学者伊农在1982年发表的一篇文章中概述的以色列在中东和北非地区扩张的战略。sterileadj. 无菌的decryv. 公开反对;谴责balkanizationn. 巴尔干化;分割成小国territorial integrity领土完整