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Li Tie, former head coach of the Chinese national men's soccer team, was sentenced to 20 years in prison by a court in Hubei province on Friday for bribery-related crimes.2024年12月13日,湖北省一法院对中国国家男子足球队原主教练李铁以贿赂相关罪行判处有期徒刑二十年。The Xianning Intermediate People's Court in Hubei announced Li's convictions and sentence in a statement through its WeChat account.湖北省咸宁市中级人民法院通过其微信公众号发布声明,宣布了对李铁的定罪和判决。Li, 47, a native of Shenyang, Liaoning province, was a former professional soccer player who transitioned to coaching after retiring in 2012.李铁,47岁,辽宁省沈阳市人,前中国职业足球运动员,2012年退役后转为教练。He has received widespread attention from the public since late 2022 when he was placed under investigation for suspected serious violations of the law.2022年末,李铁因涉嫌严重违法接受调查,受到了公众的广泛关注。In March this year, he pleaded guilty to the bribery offenses at the Xianning court.今年3月,他在咸宁市中级人民法院对贿赂指控表示认罪。Evidence provided by prosecutors not only showed how Li offered bribes to those who helped him become head of the national men's soccer team and head of the selection panel but also proved how he accepted bribes after using the positions to benefit others, as well as engaging in bribe-taking and bribe-giving by using football clubs to cooperate in match-fixing.检察机关提供的证据显示,李铁不仅通过行贿请托他人提供帮助以当选男足国家队主教练和选拔队主教练,还利用这些职务收受贿赂、为他人谋取利益,并利用足球俱乐部合作操纵比赛、参与行贿和受贿。China has strengthened the fight against corruption in the soccer field over the past few years, with several former officials facing prison terms and fines.过去几年,中国加强了足球领域的反腐斗争,多名前官员被判入狱和罚款。For instance, Liu Yi, former secretary-general of the Chinese Football Association, was sentenced to 11 years in prison after he was convicted of bribery. In addition to his sentence, he was also fined 3.6 million yuan ($495,000).如中国足协原秘书长刘奕因受贿罪被判刑11年,并处罚金360万元人民币(49.5万美元)。prosecutorn.检察官;公诉人