
CD Voice - A podcast by China Daily

As a cold snap grips the nation, local authorities have initiated emergency response measures to mitigate the impact of plunging temperatures and significant snowfall.随着寒潮席卷全国,多地已启动应急响应措施,以减轻气温骤降和大量降雪带来的影响。Since Saturday, strong winds and heavy snow have affected the Inner Mongolia autonomous region, Northeast China and North China, with temperatures dropping by 12 to 16 C in some areas.11月23日以来,内蒙古自治区、东北和华北地区受到大风和雨雪天气的影响,局地气温下降12-16摄氏度。The China Meteorological Administration activated a level-four emergency response on Monday to address the ongoing snowstorm, advising affected regions to adjust measures based on local conditions.25日,中国气象局启动重大气象灾害(暴雪)四级应急响应,以应对持续的暴雪天气,并建议受影响地区根据当地实际情况调整措施。In Heilongjiang province, snowfall prompted the local meteorological bureau to issue a red alert, the highest level in China's four-tier warning system, and initiate emergency plans to reduce the impact of blizzards.在黑龙江省,降雪使当地气象台发布暴雪红色预警(中国四级预警系统中的最高级别预警),并启动应急预案以减少暴雪的影响。In Jilin province, sanitation workers have been clearing snow and ice from roads, deploying large snow removal equipment to ensure safe travel. Transportation departments have responded swiftly to road emergencies, assisting vehicles trapped in the snow and restoring traffic conditions using snowplows and police vehicles.在吉林省,环卫工人一直在清除路面冰雪,并出动大型除雪设备,以确保出行安全。交通部门迅速应对道路突发事件,利用铲雪车和警车帮助被困车辆,恢复交通状况。As the Yellow River in Inner Mongolia approaches the ice jam season — when ice blocks the river, potentially causing flooding — the local water conservancy department has implemented preventive measures to remove obstructions and maintain water flow.黄河内蒙古河段即将进入凌汛期,当地水利部门及时采取防御措施,清除障碍物并保持水流畅通。In Northwest China, meteorological, electricity and city management authorities have taken precautions to address emergencies caused by the season's first cold wave.在中国西北地区,气象、电力和城市管理部门已采取预防措施,应对本季首次寒潮造成的紧急情况。In Lanzhou, Gansu province, the heating service department established 16 teams to inspect heating systems in residential areas, ensuring their functionality during the cold spell. By Saturday afternoon, they had repaired heating pipe explosions in 76 communities and buildings, according to Wang Shuchao, an official with the Lanzhou Heating Service Center.在甘肃省兰州市,供热服务部门成立16支供热服务小分队,对居民区的供热系统进行检查,以确保其在寒潮期间正常供暖。据兰州市供热服务中心工作人员王树超介绍,截至23日下午,兰州市因爆管等影响正常供暖的小区或楼院累计76处已全部修复。In Xining, Qinghai province, Ma Yan, a staff member of the local Tuanjie community, told Xinhua News Agency that community workers braved heavy snow and freezing temperatures to inspect heating in older buildings and clear snow from roads and rooftops.在青海省西宁市,当地团结社区工作人员马燕告诉新华社记者,社区工作人员冒着大雪和严寒,入户排查老旧楼院的供暖情况,并清扫楼院道路积雪。In Beijing, under a blue cold wave alert, the Municipal Bureau of Culture and Tourism issued a notice requiring scenic spots, particularly in mountainous areas, to implement safety measures. These include taking action to prevent slips and falls on icy roads, evacuating tourists if necessary and temporarily closing sites during severe weather.在北京,根据寒潮蓝色预警,北京市文化和旅游局发出通知,要求全市景区特别是山区景区,落实安全措施。这些措施包括防止因路面冰冻湿滑导致游客摔伤,必要时疏散游客,以及在恶劣天气期间暂时关闭景区。The cold wave is expected to continue moving southeast, affecting central and eastern regions of China in the coming days. Forecasters predict temperatures in the regions will drop by 6 to 8 C.预计未来几天,寒潮将继续东移南下影响中国中东部地区,多地气温将下降6-8摄氏度。mitigatev. 缓和,减轻ice jam season凌汛期snowplown. 扫雪机,铲雪车water conservancy department水利部门