CD Voice - A podcast by China Daily

China rolled out a plan on Monday to stabilize foreign investment this year, signaling the country's determination to achieve high-level opening-up in the face of rising global protectionism, analysts said.分析人士表示,2月10日,中国推出《2025年稳外资行动方案》,以稳定今年的外商投资,表明中国在面对全球保护主义抬头时实现高水平开放的决心。The plan, adopted at the State Council executive meeting chaired by Premier Li Qiang, outlined more practical and effective measures to both retain existing and attract new foreign investment because of the vital role that foreign-invested businesses play in terms of job creation, export stability and industrial upgrading.2月10日,国务院总理李强主持召开国务院常务会议,审议通过《2025年稳外资行动方案》。该方案概述,外资企业在吸纳就业、稳定出口、促进产业升级等方面都具有重要作用,要拿出更多务实管用的举措,以稳定现有外资、吸引新的外资。China will fully implement its commitment to remove all market access restrictions for foreign investors in the manufacturing sector and expand the list of sectors encouraging foreign investment, according to the plan.根据该方案,中国将落实全面取消制造业领域外资准入限制要求,扩大鼓励外商投资产业范围。The country will encourage foreign enterprises to reinvest their capital within the Chinese market and participate more actively in equity investments. Meanwhile, steps will be taken toward optimizing the rules and regulations governing foreign mergers and acquisitions, as outlined in the plan.方案表明,中国将加大外资企业境内再投资支持力度,鼓励外资在华开展股权投资,同时采取措施优化外资并购规则。Foreign enterprises will be treated on an equal footing with their Chinese counterparts in government procurement, according to the plan, which also put an emphasis on widening the financing options available to foreign-invested enterprises and strengthening intellectual property protection for them.方案指出,要在政府采购等工作中做到内外资企业一视同仁,拓宽外资企业融资渠道,加大知识产权保护力度。China will further open up its services sector, with a particular focus on accelerating pilot programs in key areas such as telecommunications, healthcare and education, said Li Yongjie, deputy international trade representative of the Ministry of Commerce, at a news conference in mid-January.商务部国际贸易谈判副代表李詠箑在1月中旬的新闻发布会上表示,中国将稳步推进服务业扩大开放,特别是要扩大电信、医疗、教育等重点领域开放试点推广工作。The country is committed to aligning itself with high-standard international trade and economic rules while building a network of high-level opening-up platforms such as free trade zones as it aims to enhance its overall business environment, Li said.李詠箑表示,中国将主动对接国际高标准经贸规则,高水平建设自由贸易区等开放平台,改善整体营商环境。A total of 59,080 new foreign-invested firms were established across China last year, an increase of 9.9 percent year-on-year, data from the ministry showed.商务部数据显示,2024年中国新成立外资企业59080家,同比增长9.9%。These proactive opening-up policies stand in stark contrast with the intensifying investment restrictions tipped by certain economies, and have created a more welcoming and accessible environment for foreign enterprises—particularly small and medium-sized ones—looking to enter the Chinese market, said Zhou Mi, a senior researcher at the Chinese Academy of International Trade and Economic Cooperation.商务部国际贸易经济合作研究院高级研究员周密表示,这些积极主动的开放政策与某些经济体加剧投资限制的倾向形成鲜明对比,为希望进入中国市场的外国企业——尤其是中小企业——创造了更加友好便利的环境。While the global economy grapples with sluggish demand, the sheer size of China's consumer base, the nation's rising middle class and growing purchasing power have presented a crucial lifeline for foreign enterprises navigating broader economic uncertainties, Zhou added.周密补充说,在全球经济需求疲软、经济不确定性加剧之际,中国庞大的消费群体、崛起的中产阶级和日益增长的购买力,为外国企业寻找出路提供了至关重要的生命线。sluggishadj.行动缓慢的;迟缓的