
China Daily Podcast - A podcast by China Daily

China aims to significantly reduce per capita food waste and bring grain loss rates below the global average by the end of 2027, according to a recently introduced action plan.根据近日印发的行动方案,中国致力于大幅减少人均粮食浪费,目标是到2027年年底,粮食损失率控制在国际平均水平以下。The plan to boost grain conservation and curb food waste was issued by the General Office of the Communist Party of China Central Committee and the General Office of the State Council, China's Cabinet.近日,中共中央办公厅、国务院办公厅印发了《粮食节约和反食品浪费行动方案》。The plan sets targets for reducing food waste and enhancing grain efficiency nationwide, from production and storage to processing and consumption.该方案设立了在全国范围内降低粮食和食品损耗浪费的目标,涉及粮食生产、储存、加工和消费等各环节。It emphasizes the application of advanced technologies and high-efficiency machinery to minimize grain loss during harvesting, and farmers will be supported through subsidies and training in precision harvesting techniques.该方案强调应用先进技术和高效机械,强化粮食机收减损,并通过补贴政策和专业农机手培训为农民提供支持。Promoting scientific grain storage methods and building high-standard granaries are key to reducing grain loss in storage, according to the plan. Green storage initiatives and smart grain storage technologies will enhance the preservation of stored grain, it said.该方案指出,推广科学储粮方法和建设高标准粮仓是减少粮食储存损失损耗的关键。绿色储粮技术和智慧粮库建设有助于优化粮食储存的效果。Investment in modern transportation infrastructure such as specialized railways and terminals will reduce grain losses during transit, the plan said, encouraging the adoption of innovative logistics solutions for efficient grain transportation.方案强调,深入推进铁路专用线、专用码头等现代化运输基础设施建设有利于减少运输过程中的粮食损耗,并鼓励采用创新物流模式来实现粮食高效运输。It promotes moderate grain processing standards, higher yield rates of grain and oil, and the use of byproducts such as bran and germ to maximize the use of grain.该方案提倡适度的粮食加工标准,提高粮油出品率,并加强米糠、麸皮、胚芽等粮油加工副产物资源化利用。It also aims to promote public awareness through educational campaigns and activities, including encouraging families to adopt healthier eating habits and expanding the nationwide Clean Plate campaign, which urges diners to order responsibly and minimize leftovers.同时,方案旨在通过开展教育活动提升全民节粮意识,包括鼓励家庭养成健康饮食习惯,以及深化全国范围内的“光盘行动”,敦促用餐者按需适量点餐并尽量减少剩菜剩饭。Key sectors targeted in the plan include the food service industry, the workplace and school canteens.该方案针对的主要部门包括餐饮服务业、工作场所和学校食堂。Restaurants are encouraged to promote smaller portion sizes and actively remind customers to avoid excessive ordering. Mechanisms such as savings rewards and food donations to charities are being incentivized, it said.方案指出,要引导餐饮服务经营者积极推广小份餐品,加强按需适量点餐提醒。同时还鼓励建立发放节约奖励、向有关福利机构捐赠食品等机制。Schools are encouraged to adopt practices such as meal weighing and customized menu options, while State-owned organizations and enterprises are urged to arrange food portions in canteens appropriately, according to the plan.该方案鼓励学校采用称重取餐和定制菜单等做法,同时敦促机关食堂和国有企业食堂合理安排饭菜份量。China plans to establish a statistical framework for monitoring food loss and waste across sectors, including production, transportation and retail, as well as household consumption. Regular surveys and evaluations will inform policy adjustments and strengthen enforcement, according to the plan.根据该方案,中国计划建立健全统计调查制度,用于监测生产、运输、零售以及家庭消费等各环节的粮食损失和食品浪费情况。此外,常态化调查和评估将为政策调整和加强执法提供依据。The country's efforts to promote food conservation and combat food waste still face various challenges and contradictions, an official with the National Development and Reform Commission said on Monday.11月25日,国家发展改革委有关负责人介绍,中国在推动节约粮食和反对浪费方面的努力仍面临各种挑战和矛盾。Data on food loss and waste remains weak, and statistical investigations and assessments are not fully established. In particular, the catering sector sees significant waste from business banquets and celebrations for weddings and funerals, the official said. The introduction of the action plan aims to foster strong cooperation and encourage the habits of practicing frugality and opposing waste, the official added.该负责人指出,中国粮食损失和食品浪费数据基础薄弱,统计调查评估制度还不完善,特别是餐饮消费环节中商务宴请、红白喜事等浪费严重。该行动方案的发布旨在促进强有力的合作,鼓励大众养成节约粮食和反对浪费的习惯。granaryn. 粮仓Clean Plate campaign光盘行动frugalityn. 节约;朴素meal weighing称重取餐