
CD Voice - A podcast by China Daily

Ahead of the 25th anniversary of Macao's return to the motherland, which falls on Friday, national and regional flags fluttered high along a Macao street that houses the China-Portuguese-speaking Countries Commercial and Trade Service Platform Complex, a pivotal hub for activities boosting collaboration between the two sides.12月20日,澳门将迎来回归祖国25周年。在澳门的一处街道上,国旗和特区区旗迎风飘扬,中国与葡语国家商贸合作服务平台综合体大楼在此坐落,它也是促进双方合作的重要活动枢纽。Initiated as a way to cement Macao's role as a commercial and trade service platform for China and Portuguese-speaking countries, the complex's launch was announced in Macao in 2016 on the sidelines of the 5th Ministerial Conference of the Forum for Economic and Trade Cooperation between China and Portuguese-speaking Countries, also known as Forum Macao.为巩固澳门作为中国与葡语国家商贸合作服务平台的地位,该综合体大楼于2016年中国—葡语国家经贸合作论坛(澳门)(以下简称“中葡论坛”)第五届部长级会议上提出建造。The first phase of the complex was completed in 2019, which marked the 20th anniversary of Macao's return to the motherland.综合体大楼的一期工程于2019年竣工,正值澳门回归祖国20周年。The complex was one part of President Xi Jinping's inspection tour to Macao that year to celebrate the anniversary.该综合体是习近平总书记当年视察澳门以庆祝澳门回归周年的活动之一。While visiting, Xi recognized the complex as giving a fresh boost to the development of the service platform.考察期间,习近平总书记肯定了该综合体为服务平台的发展注入了新的活力。The subsequent five-year evolution saw major scale-ups of the complex as the regular meeting venue for Forum Macao and as a multifunctional facility that houses the Commerce and Investment Promotion Institute and the Supporting Office to the Permanent Secretariat of Forum Macao.在随后的五年发展过程中,该综合体大楼的规模不断扩大,不仅成为中葡论坛的固定会议场地,还是容纳澳门特别行政区招商投资促进局和中葡论坛常设秘书处辅助办公室的多功能设施。"It provides excellent venues for institutes based in the city dedicated to propelling commercial and trade cooperation between China and Portuguese-speaking countries, having greatly facilitated their daily operations and event hosting," said Ji Xianzheng, secretary-general of the Permanent Secretariat of Forum Macao.中葡论坛常设秘书处秘书长季先峥表示:“这为致力于推动中国与葡语国家商贸合作的驻澳机构提供了绝佳的场所,极大地方便了它们的日常运作和活动举办。”Data released by the General Administration of Customs shows that China's trade in merchandise with Portuguese-speaking countries in the first 10 months of 2024 reached $191.2 billion, a 6 percent year-on-year increase.海关总署发布数据显示,2024年前10个月,中国与葡语国家的商品贸易额达1912亿美元,同比增长6%。The latest slate of high-profile events hosted in the complex included the sixth edition of the Ministerial Conference of Forum Macao in April.最近在该综合体大楼举办的一系列高规格活动包括4月举行的中葡论坛第六届部长级会议。Ji hailed the forum as among the most pronounced accomplishments in advancing cooperation between China and Portuguese-speaking countries, as it enables high-level intergovernmental exchanges between China and these countries.季先峥称赞中葡论坛是推动中国与葡语国家合作的最显著成就之一,因为它促成了中国与这些国家之间的高级别政府间交流。Ji highlighted the Strategic Plan for Economic and Trade Cooperation (2024-27) hammered out at the ministerial conference in April as a blueprint for future actions to drive more multilateral partnerships.季先峥强调,4月份部长级会议制定的《经贸合作行动纲领(2024—2027)》是未来行动的蓝图,旨在推动更多的多边合作关系。The plan clarified key fronts for collaboration, encompassing trade and investment, industry, human resources, medical care and healthcare, as well as education and cultural affairs.该纲领明确了合作的主要领域,包括贸易投资、工业、人力资源、医疗保健、教育和文化事务等。Asked about the secretariat's future priorities, Ji emphasized its resolve to enhance financial services, promote technological exchanges and build a joint mechanism to give full play to Macao's role as a cooperation platform for China and Portuguese-speaking countries.在被问及中葡论坛常设秘书处未来的工作重点时,季先峥强调,秘书处将加强金融服务,促进科技交流,建立联合机制,充分发挥澳门作为中国与葡语国家之间的合作平台作用。"The platform role that Macao aims to play is multidimensional in nature, requiring support from many relevant parties, not just the central and regional governments, industry associations and even private think tanks," said Ji, who attended the 6th Meeting of the Forum Macao China Follow-up Action Committee, which was held on Dec 3 in Beijing.“澳门要发挥的平台作用是多维度的,需要很多相关方面的支持,不仅仅是中央和地方政府、行业协会,甚至民间智库。”出席12月3日在北京召开的中葡论坛中方后续行动委员会第六次会议的季先峥说。"Our next step will be briefing Portuguese-speaking countries on the work we have been carrying out, gathering pace for more solid implementation of the strategic plan that was charted," he said.季先峥表示:“下一步,我们将向葡语国家介绍我们一直在开展的工作,为更扎实地落实所制定的战略计划积蓄力量。”The complex, whose Pavilion of China-Portuguese-speaking Countries Commercial and Trade Service Platform was unveiled in 2022, and which features several meeting and activity facilities, is also conducive to deepening trade cooperation and people-to-people exchanges. 该综合体的中国与葡语国家商贸合作服务平台展示馆于2022年揭幕,设有多个会议场地和活动设施,有助于深化贸易合作和人文交流。The pavilion, covering an estimated 1,800 square meters, is one of the Commerce and Investment Promotion Institute's major recent endeavors to create more commercial and business ties between China and Portuguese-speaking countries.该展示馆占地约1800平方米,是澳门招商投资促进局近期为加强中国与葡语国家之间的商贸联系而做出的主要努力之一。Kathy Lam, a Permanent Secretariat staff member who works as a tour guide in the pavilion, said she always likes to introduce visitors at the onset to the pavilion's logo, which she described as epitomizing the pavilion's core vision.在展示馆担任导游的常设秘书处工作人员Kathy Lam说,她总是喜欢在一开始就向参观者介绍展馆的标志,她说这是展馆核心理念的缩影。According to Lam, the logo is inspired by the first two strokes of the Chinese character he, meaning "joint", which is also the first character of the Chinese term for "collaboration" and resembles two clasped hands.据她介绍,展馆标志的灵感来自汉字“合”的前两笔,意为“联合”,也是中文“合作”一词的首字,形似两只紧握的手。Seven areas of the pavilion present a panorama of the concerted work of China and Portuguese-speaking countries, starting with multimedia displays of relevant preferential policies, supportive programs and collaboration milestones, and topped off with an exhibition of more than 2,000 products from Portuguese-speaking countries. Each item has a QR code for accessing information about the supplier.展馆的七个区域全景呈现了中国与葡语国家的合作成果,以多媒体形式展示中国与葡语国家的相关优惠政策、支持计划和合作里程碑,并展出了2000多件来自葡语国家的产品。每件产品都有对应的二维码,可用于获取供应商的相关信息。Lam said the pavilion, which is open to the public, was warmly received by companies on the Chinese mainland that seek to expand operations to Portuguese-speaking countries.Lam表示,该展馆向公众开放,受到了寻求将业务拓展至葡语国家的中国大陆公司的热烈欢迎。Ji, the secretary-general of the Permanent Secretariat of Forum Macao, said the complex also hosts themed workshops for government officials from Portuguese-speaking countries as well as experts. The workshops touch upon many areas of collaboration, including traditional Chinese medicine, and more are planned in fields such as the digital economy, green development and the blue, or ocean, economy.中葡论坛常设秘书处秘书长季先峥表示,该综合体还为葡语国家的政府官员和专家举办主题研讨会。这些研讨会涉及传统中医药等多个合作领域,并计划在数字经济、绿色发展和蓝色经济(海洋经济)等领域开展更多合作。More people have begun to hear about the complex, which "has become one of Macao's new landmarks", Ji added.季先峥补充,越来越多的人开始了解这座“已成为澳门新地标之一”的综合体。complexn. 复合体;综合设施pivotaladj. 中枢的, 关键的pavilionn. 展示馆