Ep. 289: Laterrian Lannister!
Challenge Mania - A podcast by Challenge Mania
Derrick Kosinski & Scott Yager are joined by Laterrian Wallace.Laterrian (@LatWall) returns to Challenge Mania, a 3-time All Star, to discuss his time on Season 3 of the show with Derrick (@DerrickMTV) and Scott (@SHOTOFYAGER). He shares his thoughts on playing with newer cast-members, whether he was working with or against Wes, going head to head with Mark for the second time, what went down at Syrus' Premiere Party Saturday, his run in with Theo Von and just how big of a Game of Thrones fan he is!www.Patreon.com/ChallengeMania for All Stars III Bonus Podcasts! If you'd like to sample one, email [email protected] for tix to NYC on 6/18 and Nashville on 7/30!www.ChallengeMania.Shop for All Stars 3 Swag and more!www.Twitter.com/DerrickMTVwww.Twitter.com/SHOTOFYAGERwww.Twitter.com/LatWallwww.Facebook.com/ChallengeManiaPodcast