CMSM | Nature of Focus

Cascais Meditation & Spiritual Musings | ILC Podcast

Show summary: In this moment, it is vital to recognize the truth, to surrender the guilt brought from the past and the worries from the future. Allow this invitation from Tiger Singleton to redirect your focus to the present and devote yourself to the truth. What is genuine devotion? What is deep focus? These questions and much more are answered in this episode of Cascais Meditation and Spiritual Musings. Welcome to Cascais Meditation and Spiritual Musings! Honored once again to take a moment and checked in. The topic is focus and devotion. It is a subject matter I am excited to explore the parallels of humanness which is focus and spiritual thing which devotion. Recognize the beauty of that they can’t be separated. Format: guided meditation, spontaneous rambles of spiritual insight focus and devotion and engage in questions and dialogues. Start of meditation (Moments of silence) So often we miss the power of presence and the power of stillness and the invitation of meditation is to connect such space that reminds us of great strength. For a short time, allow yourself to come home to presence and invite space of stillness. This doorway connects within ourselves to see deeply from where we are. It is a great allowing of what it is – every noise, sensation and heartbeat. All is surrendered, all is allowed. We take a moment to discern and acknowledge what is real even if the mind wonders here or there, backward or forward. We can acknowledge reality of right now. Within the mind, the noise, and commotion, is this space right now. Allow yourself to melt into what is real while releasing what is not. I invite you to recognize an internal quiet space – nothing to say, just allowing. Recognize space is undisturbed by all the noise Unconcerned about what might arise/fall for everything is allowed. (Moments of silence) Notice in this quiet space, there is no concern, no problem to be solved. I just invited you to see to connect such presence, to feel in the depth of willingness, to perceive and welcome love that embraces. A profound openness from life to life. The visual I get to explore such is the sun looking above to the earth saying, “Let me see you.” This is the openness, “Let me see”. (chime) End of meditation bell. The opportunity of focus and devotion, we can playfully explore this in a human context how every life’s subtle invitation is brought by pain in feeling something which is opposite of focus. Let’s explore this perceived opposite. In my experience, it is loud when focus is distant, almost impossible to attend to what is in front of me. The mind is disturbed in 10,000 things from the past and future. I can only focus now. Not focus on the future. Focus is what’s happening now, bringing being into movement that it’s allowing distraction to fade, allowing to surrender which is not here. Something within self-focus is engaged. Human beings are distracted by a mental commentary based on fear. When we are not focused, we are afraid. Recognition of focus is to love. Focus in giving your attention fully is a beautiful illustration of love. What is the fear to distract us? I think, simply it is, recognizing the sense of inadequacy, a concern we will fail. Why try? Why focus when it results in failure? Naturally, it points to a human confusion which is a misunderstanding where we are in life to get something. We engage in focus because of a prize in the future. Fear arises because of this, because we believe we are not enough. So, this is an invitation to focus. Not to get something in the future but as an opportunity to see presence as an opportunity. See this as a love shared between two people. Do you see the disingenuity of a nature of love that says, “I love you right now so I can get something from you in the future?” It is not genuine love at all. Why would love arise? A love that sees love. We explore seeing things as they truly are.