S2 Ep23: Helping to make your new school year successful and stress-free with parenting coach, Heather Rutherford
Careering into Motherhood - A podcast by Careering into Motherhood

If you’ve promised yourself this year the morning routine won’t be as chaotic as last year, or that you will help your child overcome any anxiety that they (or perhaps you) might be feeling as the new term starts, then have a listen to this brilliant episode with Heather Rutherford of the Parenting Partnership. Heather is a parenting coach who drops gold nuggets of advice on reducing stress minimising emotional issues and helping parents to create happy, stress-free families. A mother of three herself, Heather draws upon her years of experience and professional learning as a parenting coach. She has lots of great advice for children or parents who might be approaching the new term with some degree of trepidation . You can find out more about working with Heather via the Careering Into Motherhood website https://www.careeringintomotherhood.com/heather-rutherford This is the article which Heather mentions in the interview https://www.careeringintomotherhood.com/post/5-simple-sentence-starters-that-build-resilience-in-your-kids-heather-rutherford