Child Hits, Screams, Defiant? What's the Root?

Calm Parenting Podcast - A podcast by Kirk Martin

Child Hits, Screams, Defiant? What's the Root? Your child may hit, bite, scream, yell at you, shut down, resist, or meltdown. Your first thought should NOT be, “How do I stop this?” Begin to ask, “What is the root of the frustration that’s causing this?” Kirk shows you how to get to the root of misbehavior. Our Black Friday Sale Ends This Weekend! Take advantage of the Lowest Prices of the Year at Want to book a LIVE EVENT in 2023?! We are now booking IN PERSON and Zoom events for schools, PTAs, churches, synagogues, corporations, and agencies! Simply email Casey@CelebrateCalm with LIVE in the subject line and he'll share a one-page proposal within hours. It's EASY! Questions? Need help deciding on the best tools for your family? Email [email protected] and Casey will help you personally! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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