Twin Mama, Olympian, Nutritionist & Blackstick - Samantha Child shares it all.
Bump to Mum - A podcast by Emma Coxhead

Hey Mama'sI am very excited for you all to hear this week's episode! Samantha Child (formerly Charlton) wears many hats in life; she is an Olympian, Blackstick, Nutritionist, sister, daughter, wife and her most recent role is Mama to twin boys, Freddie & Louie who are 9 months old.Sam is an open book and shares with us: her journey to pregnancyfinding out she was pregnant with twins and how that pregnancy was for herthe birth of her boys which ended in an emergency caesareanrecovery from birth and the early fourth trimester dayswhat life is like as a Mama to twins - sleep, getting out of the house, routine, feeding, highs and lowsher feeding journey - pumping and mixed feedingreturning to high performance sport - what recovery has looked like for her and how she has now got to a point where she is back training with the Blackstick squad to qualify for the 2024 Olympicsnutrition tips for Mama's and how she has found the solids journey with the boysWe covered A LOT in this chat, Sam is so relatable and honest and I think this is a chat so many of you will love. Sam shares the super cute bond the boys are developing and how her motherhood journey has really made her relax and surrender to the unpredictability of the day - all for the better!If you enjoy this chat, please rate and review on Apple Podcasts and follow along on @bumptomum.podcast for updates on future episodes and general chat. Enjoy Mama's!