The postpartum season, how do you prepare, care for yourself & adjust with Postpartum Doula, Sarah from Routachment
Bump to Mum - A podcast by Emma Coxhead

Welcome back Mumma's! In the fifth episode I speak with Sarah who is a Postpartum Doula and an expert in all things postpartum. I know I say this about every conversation but I really did LOVE this chat and its one I hope every Mum/Mum to be out there will listen to as Sarah speaks the truth and has some gold nuggets of advice. Sarah shares with us what a Postpartum Doula is, the services she provides to families and some common themes she sees in the postpartum period for women & their wider family. Sarah also takes us through what postpartum depletion is and how this affects women and the wider family.Sarah provides some advice for supporting families in the fourth trimester, how we can prepare, what to expect and some general do's and don'ts! We also cover breastfeeding, sleep, mental health and somehow we get onto the top of cleaning.... Sarah validates all the feelings that can arise postpartum and I left this conversation feeling lighter and comforted.This conversation had me laughing and nodding my head along the entire way! Sarah shared advice that I wish I had known before the birth of my baby and tips that I will definitely be using moving forward.Sarah also touches on her own motherhood journey; highs, lows and where she is at today.If you would like to contact Sarah you can connect with her on instagram @routachment or through her website you enjoyed this episode please rate and review on apple podcasts and follow along on socials @bumptomum.podcast for updates on future episodes.