Dad chat! Q&A with my husband Luke on fatherhood
Bump to Mum - A podcast by Emma Coxhead

Hello Mumma's,Episode 14 is here and it is the season finale! I have loved bringing you each episode and am going to take a couple of weeks to reset & plan for season 2 so will be back in your ears before you know it. If anything, the first season has showed me and reaffirmed to me that there is such a need to speak, learn and share more about postpartum.This weeks episode is one I have wanted to record since I started the podcast back in January this is with Louie's Dad & my husband Luke. I think it is important to remember that amongst all this change with bringing a new baby into the world and family, your partner is experiencing so much change too. Luke shares his experience of: my pregnancy, birth and postpartum journeyhow he felt leading up to the birth & becoming a Dadwhat he did in terms of work &. how the transition back to work went for himif there is anything he wished in hindsight we had prepared more forhow fatherhood has been for him so far, highs and lows, lessons learntthe change our relationship has gone throughhis top tips & advice for new Dadswhat he is really looking forward to with LouieWe do a bit of a wrap up of the last 8 months of Louie and Luke spins some of the questions on me for a change.I appreciate in this episode I refer to "Dads" being the other person in the relationship and that is not the case for everyone and I am working on using more inclusive language. I hope you love this episode, share it with your friends, partners, baby groups you name it! If you do enjoy this episode, please rate & review on Apple Podcasts and follow along on Instagram @bumptomum.podcast as I am really keen to hear from you; what you have enjoyed about season 1, what you want to hear more of and maybe what you haven't enjoyed as much.Thank you for all your support this far & chat soon Mumma's!