Claire & Gia, finding your groove in motherhood.
Bump to Mum - A podcast by Emma Coxhead

Hello Mama'sAnyone else wondering how it's October already?! You are going to love this chat. When Claire and I spoke about recording this episode her initial reaction was that she felt she hadn't had any real struggles in motherhood so it wouldn't be very interesting for anyone to listen to as she has had a really positive journey with Gia but that is exactly why I said we should chat! It is equally as important to share a really positive motherhood journey as it is the struggles in other journeys.Claire shares with us her pregnancy, birth and postpartum journey with her baby girl, Gia who is now 8 months old. In this chat we cover:Claire's pregnancy & birthdealing with birth trauma for both Claire and her husband and how they worked through this and how it has changed her perspective on future birthsadjusting to motherhood and learning to slowdownClaire's breastfeeding journeyhardest and most enjoyable season of motherhoodstarting solidssleep trainingplans for returning to work & so much more!This chat was so much fun to record and just a great Mum chat! Claire is so sweet and I loved hearing her share journey with Gia and how content and happy she is in her new chapter of life as a Mama.If you enjoy this chat, please rate and review on Apple Podcasts and follow a long on @bumptomum.podcast for updates on future episodes as well as some general Mama chat.Enjoy!