#336: REALITY CHECK: “It’s So Unfair!” (And does the dumper REALLY have it SO much easier after a breakup?!)
breakup BOOST Advice to Get Over Your Ex & More - A podcast by Trina Leckie

Breakups suck. There's no denying that. However, going through a breakup doesn't mean you put your life on pause and mope around for years to come. Hell no! You've got things to do. And should we really assume breakups are just a walk in the park for the dumper?? Listen to this episode now! Then, check out my book "Don't Be DESPERATE: Get Over Your Breakup with CLARITY & DIGNITY" on Amazon: https://amzn.to/3R2EHiz Get More Help: (1) ORDER EMAIL or PHONE coaching at breakupBOOST.com (2) Call Trina direct on The Breakup Hotline ANYTIME! (see website for details: https://www.breakupboost.com/live-coaching-trina-breakup-boost) (3) GET A PERSONALIZED VIDEO from Trina for you or a friend on CAMEO: cameo.com/breakupboost (4) CHAT ONLINE with Trina from your phone or computer: premium.chat/breakupBOOST (5) SUBSCRIBE to Trina's YouTube - search "breakup BOOST" (6) Follow Trina on INSTAGRAM & TIKTOK @breakupBOOST