Raiders of the Lost Bark
Bluey Bros - A podcast by Cory Wright-Maley & Tim Harvie

This chapter of Bluey Bros refers to episode 1:17, Yoga Ball. In this episode we discuss the band Custard, fronted by Bluey’s own David McCormack. The challenge of facing the “please face,” working from home, and navigating the demands of parenting and work. It’s often hard to be present at home and with our kids when work demands, or the intrusion of thoughts from work, keep us from being in the moment. We acknowledge that we are getting the first glimpse into Bandit’s career as an archaeologist before turning to how Bingo struggles to find her big girl bark in advocating for what she needs and recognizing her own bodily autonomy. We discuss how we work with our kids to help build a healthy sense of bodily autonomy so that they’re in control of their bodies and not someone else so that they grow with a healthy sense of how people treat them and their bodies. This includes teaching children that withdrawing consent is okay and that seeking continued consent is an important concept that we should teach children is an active choice. We discuss how we have succeeded or failed to help our kids find their voices. We finish our podcast by talking about Walter Parker’s article Teaching Against Idiocy and Erik Olin Wright’s book Envisioning Real Eutopias to articulate how deliberation is necessary to live well together and to find our voices in those relationships.